I am in the middle of cleaning up the this article after copying from the Bitcoin/Electrum article. The Litecoin/Electrum-LTC is based off of Bitcoin/Electrum so the changes should be minimal...
Electrum Litecoin Wallet -
- Lightweight Litecoin Wallet
"Electrum-LTC is an easy-to-use Litecoin client based on Electrum. It protects you from losing coins in a backup mistake or computer failure, because your wallet can be recovered from a secret phrase that you can write on paper or learn by heart. There is no waiting time when you start the client, because it does not download the Litecoin blockchain."
- Instant on: Your client does not download the blockchain, it uses a remote server.
- Forgiving: Your wallet can be recovered from a secret seed.
- Safe: Your seed or private keys are not sent to the server. Information received from the server is verified using SPV.
- No downtimes: Several public servers are available, you can switch instantly.
- Ubiquitous: You can use the same wallet on different computers, it will auto-synchronize.
- Cold Storage: You can have secure offline wallets and still safely spend from an online computer.
- Open: You can export your private keys to other Litecoin clients.
- "Electrum is a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver, with trace amounts of copper and other metals. It has also been produced artificially, and is often known as green gold. The ancient Greeks called it 'gold' or 'white gold', as opposed to 'refined gold'. Its colour ranges from pale to bright yellow, depending on the proportions of gold and silver. The gold content of naturally occurring electrum in modern Western Anatolia ranges from 70% to 90%, in contrast to the 45–55% of electrum used in ancient Lydian coinage of the same geographical area. This suggests that one reason for the invention of coinage in that area was to increase the profits from seignorage by issuing currency with a lower gold content than the commonly circulating metal." [1]
pooler/electrum-ltc · GitHub -
Electrum - Bitcoin -
- List of commands
Ubuntu Linux
Install python-qt4 and pip:
#sudo apt-get install python-qt4 python-pip sudo apt-get install python-qt4 python-pip python-dev
On Ubuntu 13.10 do:
sudo apt-get install python-slowaes
Install electrum:
# sudo pip install sudo pip install
Run: (X version)
Development Version
Dependencies: python, qt, pyqt, gettext, ecdsa, slowaes. On Ubuntu you can install the dependencies with:
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-qt4 pyqt4-dev-tools sudo pip install ecdsa slowaes
sudo apt-get install python-pycurl # ken #
Check out the code from Github
git clone
Compile the icons
pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o gui/
Create translations
Install Electrum
sudo python install
Initial Configuration
Try to check balance first. If timeout, switch servers:
electrum-ltc getbalance
Switch server:
electrum-ltc setconfig server
Electrum Server List -
Installation Location
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Electrum-ltc-* /usr/local/bin/electrum-ltc
BITCOIN – Setting Up A Wallet On A Raspberry Pi -
$ electrum-ltc create Password (hit return if you do not wish to encrypt your wallet): LgZnvPggXzJDLfz4LqeKmmzy3yQQ5KEL9w LcoSPJRuBhtemRxwbGJ8NThEVBzdCn8xad LPUxFYvi9FAByj62X4U1V9Uirm3qx1j7RL LiCFymvEdNDkEGepyRUZoqggykRXyykVcR LcHER69wx54N6PrACJY3HefYTZFyBgitCj LRkFi63A3WW3mPspS2TtAbXffU9S8EfCnW LSbW96CXwYzNLg6p37KqkMQzYb8voKKBLk LgLcQYbnW2YVzrNtgSLRU9sTeRfb6HUSE9 Your wallet generation seed is: "experience company glorious scent shimmer ancient darkness freely acid after moan war" Please keep it in a safe place; if you lose it, you will not be able to restore your wallet. Wallet saved in '/home/kenneth/.electrum-ltc/wallets/default_wallet'
{'server': ''}
{'addr_history': {'LRkFi63A3WW3mPspS2TtAbXffU9S8EfCnW': [], 'LcHER69wx54N6PrACJY3HefYTZFyBgitCj': [], 'LgLcQYbnW2YVzrNtgSLRU9sTeRfb6HUSE9': [], 'LPUxFYvi9FAByj62X4U1V9Uirm3qx1j7RL': [], 'LiCFymvEdNDkEGepyRUZoqggykRXyykVcR': [], 'LcoSPJRuBhtemRxwbGJ8NThEVBzdCn8xad': [], 'LgZnvPggXzJDLfz4LqeKmmzy3yQQ5KEL9w': [], 'LSbW96CXwYzNLg6p37KqkMQzYb8voKKBLk': []}, 'master_public_key': '501584b6dd6f015c7d93eb8ae93431ff87ab9e1197dbd29e72d57b075b677acc6ec3f1864f32d8ee44240e7d3aaa30e7a1f2d5d3a62469b7232e0dc0d93301d3', 'use_encryption': False, 'seed': 'f1f93685ce27f74cfbf451c5349f5e25', 'accounts': {0: {0: ['LgZnvPggXzJDLfz4LqeKmmzy3yQQ5KEL9w', 'LcoSPJRuBhtemRxwbGJ8NThEVBzdCn8xad', 'LPUxFYvi9FAByj62X4U1V9Uirm3qx1j7RL', 'LiCFymvEdNDkEGepyRUZoqggykRXyykVcR', 'LcHER69wx54N6PrACJY3HefYTZFyBgitCj'], 1: ['LRkFi63A3WW3mPspS2TtAbXffU9S8EfCnW', 'LSbW96CXwYzNLg6p37KqkMQzYb8voKKBLk', 'LgLcQYbnW2YVzrNtgSLRU9sTeRfb6HUSE9']}}, 'seed_version': 4}
$ pip list | grep Electrum-LTC Electrum-LTC (
Return the balance of your wallet, or of one account in your wallet Syntax: getbalance [<account>]
~# electrum-ltc getbalance Connected to { "confirmed": "0.03" }
In offline mode:
# electrum-ltc -o getbalance { "confirmed": "0.03" }
Note: running this command will sync new addresses to match the gap_limit
Print the generation seed of your wallet.
# electrum-ltc getseed { "hex": "e57ceca34c63e37b48002e1320d74017", "mnemonic": "verse path laugh creator ship guilty serious tumble kingdom wonderful mutter lip" }
deseed - Remove seed from wallet, creating a seedless, watching-only wallet.
Create a new wallet
# electrum-ltc create Password (hit return if you do not wish to encrypt your wallet): server ( port (default:50002): protocol [t=tcp;h=http] (default:s): fee (default:0.0005):0 gap limit (default 5): 17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN 19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K 189GtcmuBLbno2LM3XMX5yYbixga3Rrerd 1BWMeAWW1ZHw3JtmZyyN8PVSRciubRdBWA 1A75ZG5bABjFGTnfXgmQtNdsxYBhqvyyHg 1GxSUrwHDTwDBa6q9m48F5cJW2y35cGALi 1LRnTCuUcaxPirNbh4xzB6MnuKjDK3vQi1 1Kk6WTB35E613yq6S4YwWiDNEon8Y7de82 Your wallet generation seed is: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Please keep it in a safe place; if you lose it, you will not be able to restore your wallet. Equivalently, your wallet seed can be stored and recovered with the following mnemonic code: "verse path laugh creator ship guilty serious tumble kingdom wonderful mutter lip" Wallet saved in '/root/.electrum-ltc/electrum.dat'
Restore a wallet options: accepts a seed or master public key.
# electrum-ltc restore Password (hit return if you do not wish to encrypt your wallet): server ( port (default:50002): protocol [t=tcp;h=http] (default:s): fee (default:0.0005):0 gap limit (default 5):10 seed:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Recovering wallet... 17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN 19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K 189GtcmuBLbno2LM3XMX5yYbixga3Rrerd 1BWMeAWW1ZHw3JtmZyyN8PVSRciubRdBWA 1A75ZG5bABjFGTnfXgmQtNdsxYBhqvyyHg 17aBaFQezCjw3bGk5edbe7FHqmwgY6jraH 1P5rCjyL4MrgMQwcierKK58AUvz5mELQDX 19jZyi7Jh4gwBxVTB3cUBuDUkbAKyPTGU7 12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr 13uN81RX5HrniuC2rH8MPn2ZcrHvPuvey7 1GxSUrwHDTwDBa6q9m48F5cJW2y35cGALi 1LRnTCuUcaxPirNbh4xzB6MnuKjDK3vQi1 1Kk6WTB35E613yq6S4YwWiDNEon8Y7de82 12xD238UUzS5DHfsk6fendwC3RUbCZw2mE 1Lt6rW6t36ZKz9LUswCYACZoAnVh8ePCoE 1L4BFhzjZL5KFiLVdzgf4bT4ZtJtRA7LtK Recovery successful Wallet saved in '/root/.electrum-ltc/electrum.dat'
Change your password
# electrum-ltc password New password: Confirm:
QUESTION: How do you remove a password from a wallet, once you have added it?
Returns the transaction history of your wallet
Note: Affected by labels
Note: Does not show dates! :-(
# electrum-ltc history Connected to [ " ---- test3 0.02 0.02", " ---- test2 0.01 0.03", " ---- deepbit 0.01 0.04", " ---- slushpool 0.01006479 0.05006479", " ---- myslush 0.01003806 0.06010285", " ---- bitminter 0.01000297 0.07010582", " ---- bitmit_2600 -0.02502 0.04508582", " ---- deepbitpps 0.01 0.05508582" ]
Fields: ?date?, address/label, amount, balance
NOTE: There appears to be a bug that the dates won't show until after loading the GUI
# electrum-ltc history Connected to [ "2013-10-05 18:50 import_test 0.001 0.001", "2013-10-11 10:52 test2 0.01 0.011", "2013-10-11 10:52 test3 0.02 0.031", "2013-10-14 15:20 deepbit 0.01 0.041", "2013-10-29 04:14 slushpool 0.01006479 0.05106479", "2013-10-29 15:07 myslush 0.01003806 0.06110285", "2013-10-30 09:08 bitminter 0.01000297 0.07110582", "2013-11-01 02:35 bitmit_2600 -0.02502 0.04608582", "2013-11-02 22:17 deepbitpps 0.01 0.05608582" ]
Returns your list of addresses. options: -a: show all addresses, including change addresses -b: include balance in results -l: include labels in results
# electrum-ltc listaddresses [ "17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN", "19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K", ... "1L4BFhzjZL5KFiLVdzgf4bT4ZtJtRA7LtK" ]
With labels: # electrum-ltc -l listaddresses [ { "address": "17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN" }, { "address": "19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K", "label": "item1" }, ...
With balances: # electrum-ltc -b listaddresses [ { "address": "17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN", "balance": "0" }, { "address": "19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K", "balance": "0.01" }, ...
Assign a label to an item Syntax: setlabel <tx_hash> <label>
# electrum-ltc setlabel 17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN first
Remove label:
# electrum-ltc setlabel 17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN ''
Return the balance of an address Syntax: getbalance <address>
# electrum-ltc getaddressbalance 19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K Connected to { "confirmed": "0.01" }
Check that the address is valid Syntax: validateaddress <address>
# electrum-ltc validateaddress 19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K { "address": "19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K", "ismine": true, "isvalid": true, "pubkey": "0435104d8f67737d94fbf73b1e27e01fb8ba9fbdb506aa1375df60408a0c90fb6ced0a1cd2b7cb1ad31a60885b575cad37616d07d57e5398714dbeb8913f992b61" }
Returns a list of unspent inputs in your wallet.
# electrum-ltc listunspent [ { "address": "19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K", "index": 0, "raw_output_script": "76a9145d26476442224149ddc2d7ddf4f28a8536b4da4488ac", "tx_hash": "d5eef5996fd72aee5c1ee3578a645db9d43b5fc6184a38d9e92ceeddd316dd12", "value": "0.01" }, { "address": "189GtcmuBLbno2LM3XMX5yYbixga3Rrerd", "index": 0, "raw_output_script": "76a9144e5978f1bd454aade7b881e3839bca27fa99a86188ac", "tx_hash": "7b2861235bb2e912494999ca15d223d5bcf47c7f7d4d3187a520ab8c01e39362", "value": "0.02" } ]
Show your list of contacts
Huh? Show favorite contacts? (set with setconfig)
# electrum-ltc contacts { "16eFiVsWR5AQ87Evabja8kF1HZv5hE3zmk": "contact1", "17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN": "deepbit" }
Send Money
Create and broadcast a transaction. Syntax: payto <recipient> <amount> [label] <recipient> can be a bitcoin address or a label options: --fee, -f: set transaction fee --fromaddr, -s: send from address - --changeaddr, -c: send change to address
# electrum-ltc payto 1AqipkayBadTbbjapoNJ4ZKpSyiN5nyZWr 0.02452 bitmit-2600
# electrum-ltc payto 1GJH7pYPMocSL1fFEizn6tqj83uUJnybNg 0.01002203 mtgox-20131204 --fee 0
First step in a signing a transaction (manual process)
Create a signed transaction Syntax: mktx <recipient> <amount> [label] options: --fee, -f: set transaction fee --fromaddr, -s: send from address - --changeaddr, -c: send change to address
Here is how to sign a transaction with an offline Electrum wallet -
freeze - Freeze the funds at one of your wallet's addresses Syntax: freeze <address>
# electrum-ltc freeze 12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr true
unfreeze - Unfreeze the funds at one of your wallet's address Syntax: unfreeze <address>
# electrum-ltc unfreeze 12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr true
prioritize - Coins at prioritized addresses are spent first. Syntax: prioritize <address>
electrum-ltc unprioritize 12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr
# electrum-ltc prioritize 12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr true # electrum-ltc getconfig prioritized_addresses ['12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr']
Unprioritize an address Syntax: unprioritize <address>
# electrum-ltc unprioritize 12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr true # electrum-ltc getconfig prioritized_addresses []
Return a configuration variable Syntax: getconfig <name> options: accounts, addr_history, auto_cycle, column_widths, console-history, contacts, fee_per_kb, frozen_addresses, gap_limit, imported_keys, labels, master_public_key, num_zeros, prioritized_addresses, proxy, seed, seed_version, server, transactions, use_change, use_encryption, winpos-qt
# electrum-ltc getconfig accounts #(output forced wrapped) {0: {0: ['17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN', '19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K', '189GtcmuBLbno2LM3XMX5yYbixga3Rrerd', '1BWMeAWW1ZHw3JtmZyyN8PVSRciubRdBWA', '1A75ZG5bABjFGTnfXgmQtNdsxYBhqvyyHg', '17aBaFQezCjw3bGk5edbe7FHqmwgY6jraH', '1P5rCjyL4MrgMQwcierKK58AUvz5mELQDX', '19jZyi7Jh4gwBxVTB3cUBuDUkbAKyPTGU7', '12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr', '13uN81RX5HrniuC2rH8MPn2ZcrHvPuvey7', '12xD238UUzS5DHfsk6fendwC3RUbCZw2mE', '1Lt6rW6t36ZKz9LUswCYACZoAnVh8ePCoE', '1L4BFhzjZL5KFiLVdzgf4bT4ZtJtRA7LtK'], 1: ['1GxSUrwHDTwDBa6q9m48F5cJW2y35cGALi', '1LRnTCuUcaxPirNbh4xzB6MnuKjDK3vQi1', '1Kk6WTB35E613yq6S4YwWiDNEon8Y7de82'], 'name': 'Main account'}}
# electrum-ltc getconfig addr_history #(output forced wrapped) {'12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr': [], '1P5rCjyL4MrgMQwcierKK58AUvz5mELQDX': [], '189GtcmuBLbno2LM3XMX5yYbixga3Rrerd': [(u'7b2861235bb2e912494999ca15d223d5bcf47c7f7d4d3187a520ab8c01e39362', 262971)], '13uN81RX5HrniuC2rH8MPn2ZcrHvPuvey7': [], '1LRnTCuUcaxPirNbh4xzB6MnuKjDK3vQi1': [], '1BWMeAWW1ZHw3JtmZyyN8PVSRciubRdBWA': [], '1L4BFhzjZL5KFiLVdzgf4bT4ZtJtRA7LtK': [], '1Lt6rW6t36ZKz9LUswCYACZoAnVh8ePCoE': [], '17aBaFQezCjw3bGk5edbe7FHqmwgY6jraH': [], '19jZyi7Jh4gwBxVTB3cUBuDUkbAKyPTGU7': [], '1Kk6WTB35E613yq6S4YwWiDNEon8Y7de82': [], '17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN': [], '19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K': [(u'd5eef5996fd72aee5c1ee3578a645db9d43b5fc6184a38d9e92ceeddd316dd12', 262971)], '1GxSUrwHDTwDBa6q9m48F5cJW2y35cGALi': [], '12xD238UUzS5DHfsk6fendwC3RUbCZw2mE': [], '1A75ZG5bABjFGTnfXgmQtNdsxYBhqvyyHg': []}
# electrum-ltc getconfig auto_cycle None
# electrum-ltc getconfig column_widths None
# electrum-ltc getconfig console-history None
# electrum-ltc getconfig contacts [] # electrum-ltc getconfig contacts [u'16eFiVsWR5AQ87Evabja8kF1HZv5hE3zmk', u'17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN']
# electrum-ltc getconfig fee_per_kb 50000
# electrum-ltc getconfig frozen_addresses []
# electrum-ltc getconfig gap_limit 5
# electrum-ltc getconfig imported_keys {}
# electrum-ltc getconfig labels {'17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN': 'first', '19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K': 'item1'}
# electrum-ltc getconfig master_public_key 5ac4c655e0f0443b14199995c0a0fa527773ddc891d2fc93efd0f2b25ed71f4343bd2046178b7d54411c427f0035f96b0f68047311e6977149150213f0ef4846
# electrum-ltc getconfig num_zeros 0
# electrum-ltc getconfig prioritized_addresses ['17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN']
# electrum-ltc getconfig proxy None
# electrum-ltc getconfig seed 9vK4QX7WpFsB11PO9sQKY8f8RixZFEB1b+GtXlAwUjC8O85vFdxZmHLFuvsKUJkZ9CzAie8woBcS8/sF7ipgYA==
# electrum-ltc getconfig seed_version 4
# electrum-ltc getconfig server
# electrum-ltc getconfig transactions #(output forced wrapped) {u'7b2861235bb2e912494999ca15d223d5bcf47c7f7d4d3187a520ab8c01e39362': '010000000112dd16d3ddee2ce9d9384a18c65f3bd4b95d648a57e31e5cee2 ad76f99f5eed5010000006c493046022100aa2f4f1fa84e565614cb79d5dc4fc4bafe9167f2fd63870c865fd052d4e4d2160221009173c0694ce19fa9f204495b5ae a86a7c33ea364c27462b59bcf545a76d8fa6b0121031046b1dc988daf65caa3879cd03b6f8710d1776c40b6556024a79c0528a6307fffffffff0280841e000000000 01976a9144e5978f1bd454aade7b881e3839bca27fa99a86188acc0450400000000001976a9140de8b58942b0488e1ee46767f3a2a934434a52f688ac00000000', u'd5eef5996fd72aee5c1ee3578a645db9d43b5fc6184a38d9e92ceeddd316dd12': '01000000017fd0651c7467b07604188bb90c7424908c7f6f1af7f178a31136ee91a119464a000000006a47304402205e602212d92147138026978c0670607293874 ffe3a1e96ba870fc7e49359e47502207369c85a3ee072ad8e84a6cac76f22520e11fffb05716e4c64c598f05454a701012103b9b84ec1b3e62dd523a6291fd2725b3 2fda24f22973f98962e430a1bfc44ead4ffffffff0240420f00000000001976a9145d26476442224149ddc2d7ddf4f28a8536b4da4488ac50f12200000000001976a 9140de8b58942b0488e1ee46767f3a2a934434a52f688ac00000000'}
# electrum-ltc getconfig use_change True
# electrum-ltc getconfig use_encryption True
# electrum-ltc getconfig winpos-qt None
Set a configuration variable Syntax: setconfig <name> <value> options: accounts, addr_history, auto_cycle, column_widths, console-history, contacts, fee_per_kb, frozen_addresses, gap_limit, imported_keys, labels, master_public_key, num_zeros, prioritized_addresses, proxy, seed, seed_version, server, transactions, use_change, use_encryption, winpos-qt
# electrum-ltc setconfig contacts "[u'16eFiVsWR5AQ87Evabja8kF1HZv5hE3zmk', u'17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN']" # electrum-ltc setconfig contacts "['16eFiVsWR5AQ87Evabja8kF1HZv5hE3zmk', '17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN']"
Set Server
Server list -
# electrum-ltc getconfig server
# electrum-ltc setconfig server True
How to run your own Electrum server -
Default server list hard coded here: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Electrum_LTC-
DEFAULT_PORTS = {'t':'50001', 's':'50002', 'h':'8081', 'g':'8082'} DEFAULT_SERVERS = { '': DEFAULT_PORTS, '': {'t':'50003', 's':'50004', 'h':'8083', 'g':'8084'}, '': DEFAULT_PORTS, '': DEFAULT_PORTS, '': DEFAULT_PORTS, '': DEFAULT_PORTS, '': DEFAULT_PORTS, '': DEFAULT_PORTS, '': DEFAULT_PORTS, '': DEFAULT_PORTS, '': DEFAULT_PORTS, '': {'t':'50001', 's':'50002', 'h':'50081', 'g':'50082'}, '': DEFAULT_PORTS, '': DEFAULT_PORTS, '': DEFAULT_PORTS, '': DEFAULT_PORTS, }
Default Server:
Get Servers
Server list -
Assuming you can actually connect to the current server, you can get a list of other servers by:
$ electrum-ltc getservers Starting daemon [] { "": { "s": "50002" }, "": { "s": "50002" }, ... }
Private Keys
WARNING: ALL your private keys are secret. Exposing a single private key can compromise your entire wallet! In particular, DO NOT use 'redeem private key' services proposed by third parties.
dumpprivkey - Dumps a specified private key for a given address Syntax: dumpprivkey <bitcoin address>
# electrum-ltc dumpprivkey 12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr 5JNt2dqtkyceaNcRKbRzMsrTJZ38RMYKdzbyLjTHGbE5Euo957J
Export a private key, for backup or import into another source. (addresses are generated from private keys)
WARNING: ALL your private keys are secret. Exposing a single private key can compromise your entire wallet! In particular, DO NOT use 'redeem private key' services proposed by third parties.
dumpprivkeys - dump all private keys
# electrum-ltc dumpprivkeys { "12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr": "5JNt2dqtkyceaNcRKbRzMsrTJZ38RMYKdzbyLjTHGbE5Euo957J", "12xD238UUzS5DHfsk6fendwC3RUbCZw2mE": "5J9cRMqQjiwxp5SZ7oM6Z1BX5u9Nnb4tEy5HHcy3nYSRdn6SnNX", ... }
Import a private key generated by another source (addresses are generated from private keys)
importprivkey - Import a private key Syntax: importprivkey <privatekey>
# electrum-ltc importprivkey KwHrykkGkgAZX4QRKpEJqzWAqDHWQM5VnC5Mw2ToEy6T8CQdsaNM [ "Keypair imported: ", "1HdcTEjkWN416GiMtqHFDWohGfU6yWTn2N" ]
NOTE: These addresses will not be auto included, if you ever rebuild your wallet!
Sign Message
"The "Sign Message" feature is an advanced functionality of the Bitcoin client which allows you to sign arbitrary messages to prove to somebody that you are (were) in control of the funds of some Bitcoin address. For a usage example see this answer. You normally don't need this feature for day-to-day use of Bitcoin." [2]
"The signing mechanism is a way of proving that a particular message was signed by the holder of an address' private key. A merchant could ask that you sign a message stating where you want your order shipped to, using one of the addresses your payment originated from.
You should sign a statement saying "I, Jane Doe ( sent 1.23 BTC to Acme Corp at 12:34pm, 1st Jan 2012 in payment for product XYZ for delivery to 456 High Street, Anytown, USA".
You shouldn't sign a vague statement saying "yes, I sent that money; send the product to the address I emailed you", because anyone seeing a copy of that signed message can then pass that on to the merchant with his own postal address and get the product you paid for, in the same way as you wouldn't put your signature to a piece of paper saying "I agree to the above" where the above was left blank. The postal address part won't be signed, but perhaps the merchant won't care." [3]
- bitcoin qt - How does "Sign Message" work? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange -
- security - What are the safety guidelines for using the Sign Message feature? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange -
signmessage - Sign a message with a key Syntax: signmessage <address> <message> If you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "
Huh? I guess if you want to attach something to an email to verify it was you who sent the money??
# electrum-ltc signmessage 12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr bitmint_sign_test HJpIllY8N4OQXpHrICLuGg5pc9YDcS1B60i56RPnvrrNhC1ltncdQ7al4LjcyHeuBF8Yu/aQW4OOyuapFJZpOkg=
verifymessage - electrum Verifies a signature Syntax: verifymessage <address> <signature> <message> If you want to lead or end a message with spaces, or want double spaces inside the message make sure you quote the string. I.e. " Hello This is a weird String "
# electrum-ltc verifymessage 12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr HJpIllY8N4OQXpHrICLuGg5pc9YDcS1B60i56RPnvrrNhC1ltncdQ7al4LjcyHeuBF8Yu/aQW4OOyuapFJZpOkg= bitmint_sign_test true # electrum-ltc verifymessage 12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr HJpIllY8N4OQXpHrICLuGg5pc9YDcS1B60i56RPnvrrNhC1ltncdQ7al4LjcyHeuBF8Yu/aQW4OOyuapFJZpOkg= goatcheese false
# electrum-ltc help Usage: %prog [options] command [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -g GUI, --gui=GUI User interface: qt, lite, gtk or text -w WALLET_PATH, --wallet=WALLET_PATH wallet path (default: electrum.dat) -o, --offline remain offline -a, --all show all addresses -b, --balance show the balance of listed addresses -l, --labels show the labels of listed addresses -f TX_FEE, --fee=TX_FEE set tx fee -F FROM_ADDR, --fromaddr=FROM_ADDR set source address for payto/mktx. if it isn't in the wallet, it will ask for the private key unless supplied in the format public_key:private_key. It's not saved in the wallet. -c CHANGE_ADDR, --changeaddr=CHANGE_ADDR set the change address for payto/mktx. default is a spare address, or the source address if it's not in the wallet -s SERVER, --server=SERVER set server host:port:protocol, where protocol is t or h -p PROXY, --proxy=PROXY set proxy [type:]host[:port], where type is socks4,socks5 or http -v, --verbose show debugging information -P, --portable portable wallet -L LANGUAGE, --lang=LANGUAGE defaut language used in GUI -u, --usb Turn on support for hardware wallets (EXPERIMENTAL) Type 'electrum help <command>' to see the help for a specific command Type 'electrum --help' to see the list of options List of commands: contacts, create, createmultisig, createrawtransaction, decoderawtransaction, deseed, dumpprivkey, dumpprivkeys, freeze, getaddressbalance, getaddresshistory, getbalance, getconfig, getseed, help, history, importprivkey, listaddresses, listunspent, mktx, password, payto, prioritize, restore, sendrawtransaction, setconfig, setlabel, signmessage, signrawtransaction, unfreeze, unprioritize, validateaddress, verifymessage
createmultisig - similar to bitcoind's command
createrawtransaction - similar to bitcoind's command
decoderawtransaction - similar to bitcoind's command
getaddresshistory - Return the transaction history of an address Syntax: getaddresshistory <address>
# electrum-ltc getaddresshistory 12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr Connected to [ [ "18249931dd0ac76102fd07214cde8e0b5993d42c42abd63e8ebdac3b85db6566", 266904 ] ]
sendrawtransaction - Broadcasts a transaction to the network. Syntax: sendrawtransaction <tx in hexadecimal>
signrawtransaction - similar to bitcoind's command
Wallet Create & Restore
# electrum-ltc create Password (hit return if you do not wish to encrypt your wallet): server ( port (default:50002): protocol [t=tcp;h=http] (default:s): fee (default:0.0005):0 gap limit (default 5): 17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN 19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K 189GtcmuBLbno2LM3XMX5yYbixga3Rrerd 1BWMeAWW1ZHw3JtmZyyN8PVSRciubRdBWA 1A75ZG5bABjFGTnfXgmQtNdsxYBhqvyyHg 1GxSUrwHDTwDBa6q9m48F5cJW2y35cGALi 1LRnTCuUcaxPirNbh4xzB6MnuKjDK3vQi1 1Kk6WTB35E613yq6S4YwWiDNEon8Y7de82 Your wallet generation seed is: e57ceca34c63e37b48002e1320d74017 Please keep it in a safe place; if you lose it, you will not be able to restore your wallet. Equivalently, your wallet seed can be stored and recovered with the following mnemonic code: "verse path laugh creator ship guilty serious tumble kingdom wonderful mutter lip" Wallet saved in '/root/.electrum/electrum.dat'
Restore: (with a few used addresses)
# electrum-ltc restore Password (hit return if you do not wish to encrypt your wallet): server ( port (default:50002): protocol [t=tcp;h=http] (default:s): fee (default:0.0005):0 gap limit (default 5):10 seed:e57ceca34c63e37b48002e1320d74017 Recovering wallet... 17YYUy6V4zJwx8XBXUT9L7sj3P3kucBmGN 19VXhWB4j4yp3jLWqyLkedaDY4UJ8Pvs8K 189GtcmuBLbno2LM3XMX5yYbixga3Rrerd 1BWMeAWW1ZHw3JtmZyyN8PVSRciubRdBWA 1A75ZG5bABjFGTnfXgmQtNdsxYBhqvyyHg 17aBaFQezCjw3bGk5edbe7FHqmwgY6jraH 1P5rCjyL4MrgMQwcierKK58AUvz5mELQDX 19jZyi7Jh4gwBxVTB3cUBuDUkbAKyPTGU7 12oQAaTa6mRjnkbrgoCKVhYk37wtDsR6Zr 13uN81RX5HrniuC2rH8MPn2ZcrHvPuvey7 1GxSUrwHDTwDBa6q9m48F5cJW2y35cGALi 1LRnTCuUcaxPirNbh4xzB6MnuKjDK3vQi1 1Kk6WTB35E613yq6S4YwWiDNEon8Y7de82 12xD238UUzS5DHfsk6fendwC3RUbCZw2mE 1Lt6rW6t36ZKz9LUswCYACZoAnVh8ePCoE 1L4BFhzjZL5KFiLVdzgf4bT4ZtJtRA7LtK Recovery successful Wallet saved in '/root/.electrum/electrum.dat' Exception in thread Thread-3 (most likely raised during interpreter shutdown):Exception in thread Thread-2 (most likely raised during interpreter shutdown): Traceback (most recent call last): Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 552, in __bootstrap_inner File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 552, in __bootstrap_inner File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/electrum/", line 1121, in run File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/electrum/", line 185, in run File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/electrum/", line 192, in get_response File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/electrum/", line 238, in verify_chunk File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 174, in get
Clearly there are bugs