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Oracle VM

"Oracle VM is the server virtualization offering from Oracle Corporation. Oracle VM is based on the open-source Xen hypervisor technology, supports Windows, Linux, and Oracle Solaris guests and includes an integrated Web based management console. Oracle VM features fully tested and certified Oracle Applications stack in an enterprise virtualization environment.

Oracle VM can be freely downloaded through Oracle's E-delivery service.[4] Oracle announced the general availability of Oracle VM Release 3.2, a key component in Oracle's desktop to data center virtualization portfolio, providing greater operational efficiency with improved ease-of-use, and more automated processes including full command-line support." [1]


"Oracle VM Server for x86" Download - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/vm/downloads/

Oracle VM Download - https://edelivery.oracle.com/oraclevm

Oracle VM Templates for Oracle VM Server SDK - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/vm/ovm-server-sdk-094552.html


Oracle VM components: [2]

  • Oracle VM Manager: web based management console to manage Oracle VM Servers.
  • Oracle VM Server: includes a version of Xen hypervisor technology, and the Oracle VM Agent to communicate with Oracle VM Manager for management of virtual machines. It also includes a minimized Linux kernel as Dom0. Oracle VM Server is installed on bare metal server hardware.


Oracle VM Server for x86 and Oracle VM Manager Documentation - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/documentation/vm-096300.html

Oracle VM User's Guide for Release 3.2.1:

Oracle VM Command Line Interface User's Guide for Release 3.2.1:


"Oracle VM can take advantage of up 160 CPUs, 2TB RAM per server and can host a maximum of 128 VMs per server (correct as of 3.0.3)." [3]

Comparision to ESX

Lower Cost

  • Unlike VMware, Oracle VM is free to download, use, and distribute
  • Affordable support fees
  • Simple licensing

Compare Oracle VM to VMware | Oracle Virtualization - http://www.oracle.com/us/technologies/virtualization/oraclevm/comparisons/index.html


"Oracle VM (http://www.oracle.com/virtualization) is Oracle's server virtualization and management solution for x86/x86-64 platforms. The components of Oracle VM are Oracle VM Manager and Oracle VM Server.

  • Oracle VM Manager: Provides the web based user interface to manage Server Pools, Oracle VM Servers, virtual machines, and resources. Oracle VM Manager not only provides life cycle management of virtual machines such as creating and configuring guest VMs, but also performs advanced functionality to load balance across resource pools and automatically reduce or eliminate outages associated with server downtime.
  • Oracle VM Server: A self-contained virtualization environment designed to provide a lightweight, secure, server-based platform for running virtual machines. Oracle VM Server is based on open source technology (Xen hypervisor for example) tailored by Oracle, and includes Oracle VM Agent to communicate with Oracle VM Manager for management of virtual machines. Oracle VM Server is installed on bare metal server hardware.

lthough Oracle VM server uses the Xen hypervisor, it's not the same as the one used in RHEL Xen. Similarly, both RHEL and SLES use the Linux kernel, but you won't say that one is repackaged from the other. Our development team compared the Xen source code between RHEL 5.2 Xen (3.1.0+ patches) and Oracle VM Server 2.1.2 (Xen 3.1.4), the diff file is 1.6MB, or 48,880 lines of code. It's not just a set of bug fixes or patches, there are big differences in what's actually deployed."


ORACLE-BASE - Oracle VM (3.0.1) Installation (includes pictures) - http://www.oracle-base.com/articles/vm/ovm-3-installation.php

Management Domain

Management Domain - dom0

Login to dom0 warning:

Warning: making manual modifications in the management domain
might cause inconsistencies between Oracle VM Manager and the server.




# grep . /etc/*release*
/etc/enterprise-release:Oracle VM server release 3.2.2
/etc/oracle-release:Oracle VM Server release 5.7
/etc/ovs-release:Oracle VM server release 3.2.2
/etc/redhat-release:Oracle VM server release 3.2.2

uek = Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel

Appears to be el5 based with xen 4.1.3-25.el5.3.

# yum info kernel-uek.x86_64
Installed Packages
Name       : kernel-uek
Arch       : x86_64
Version    : 2.6.39
Release    : 300.29.1.el5uek
Size       : 99 M
Repo       : installed
Summary    : The Linux kernel
URL        : http://www.kernel.org/
License    : GPLv2
Description: The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of any
           : Linux operating system.  The kernel handles the basic functions
           : of the operating system: memory allocation, process allocation, device
           : input and output, etc.

# yum info xen.x86_64
Installed Packages
Name       : xen
Arch       : x86_64
Version    : 4.1.3
Release    : 25.el5.3
Size       : 11 M
Repo       : installed
Summary    : Xen is a virtual machine monitor
URL        : http://xen.org/
License    : GPL
Description: This package contains the Xen hypervisor and Xen tools, needed to
           : run virtual machines on x86 systems.


[root@ovs-89-2d-9e ~]# uname -a
Linux ovs-89-2d-9e 2.6.39-300.29.1.el5uek #1 SMP Thu Feb 14 03:32:54 PST 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[root@ovs-89-2d-9e ~]# cat /etc/issue
Oracle VM server release 3.2.2
Hypervisor running in 64 bit mode with Hardware Virtualization support.

Nested OVM Under ESX

  • RHEL 5 x86_64
  • Network E1000
  • SCSI Logic Parallel


Using Oracle VM Server 3.0.3 SDK

"We released the Oracle VM Server 3.0.3 SDK which is delivered as Oracle VM Templates. The Oracle VM Server SDK Template provides an environment for third party drivers to be built for the Oracle VM Server for x86. This environment is being provided because the Oracle VM dom0 (management domain) only contains a minimum set of packages, and it does not provide the additional development packages needed for building modules. With the Oracle VM Server SDK, you can easily build a device driver for Oracle VM Server 3.0.3" [4]

"Note that Oracle provides support for third party drivers which have been developed by partners in the Oracle Partner Network. For drivers compiled by customers or partners using the SDK but that are not a part of the Oracle Partner Network, Oracle will provide a "reasonable effort" level of support as described by Oracle's "un-certified configuration" support policy. However, Oracle does not provide updates for any drivers built for Oracle VM Servers that have not been distributed by the Unbreakable Linux Network. To become an Oracle Partner, please refer to the page of Oracle VM Knowledge Zone for Partners. "

Downloaded as Oracle VM Template: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/vm/overview/templates-101937.html

References: Using Oracle VM Server 3.0.3 SDK (Oracle's Virtualization Blog) - https://blogs.oracle.com/virtualization/entry/using_oracle_vm_server_3


Oracle VM Templates - Oracle VM Server 3.2, 3.1 and 3.0 SDK (x86 64-bit), 2.2 and 2.1.5 SDK (x86 32-bit) [5]

"The Oracle VM Server SDK Template provides an environment for third party drivers to be built for the Oracle VM server 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.2 or 2.1.5. This environment is being provided because the Oracle VM dom0 (management domain) only contains a minimum set of packages, and it does not provide the additional development packages needed for building modules.
Oracle provides support for third party drivers which have been developed by partners in the Oracle Partner Network. For drivers compiled by customers or partners using the SDK but that are not a part of the Oracle Partner Network, Oracle will provide a "reasonable effort" level of support as described by Oracle's "un-certified configuration" support policy. However, Oracle does not provide updates for any drivers built for Oracle VM Servers that have not been distributed by the Unbreakable Linux Network. To become an Oracle Partner, please refer to the page of Oracle VM Knowledge Zone for Partners."


Oracle VM Server 3.2.1 SDK Template (OVF) Media Pack for x86_64 (64 bit): "V37455-01.zip"

Note: Why is there not a newer SDK template for 3.2.6? Or is the 3.2.1 OVF for the 3.2.x releases?


Oracle VM 3 SDK Readme - Adminspace - Confluence - http://confluence.wartungsfenster.de/display/Adminspace/Oracle+VM+3+SDK+Readme


SDK Password: "Password123" works as an acceptable password.

user: root
pass: Password123

Note: you can override the password with 'Password123' just using 'passwd' when you login as root.


VM Details:

  • version: Oracle Linux Server release 5.7
  • uname: Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.39-300.22.2.el5uek #1 SMP Fri Jan 4 12:40:29 PST 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • hdd: 10 GB HDD w/ 5 GB free
  • gcc: gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-51)
  • libc: glibc 2.5-65.el5_7.3


Yum error:

This system is not registered with ULN.
cd /etc/yum.repos.d
wget http://public-yum.oracle.com/public-yum-ol6.repo

References: This system is not registered with ULN / RHN | flashdba - http://flashdba.com/2012/10/08/this-system-is-not-registered-with-uln-rhn/

Oracle VM Manager on Dom0

Cool idea!

"Oracle just released Oracle VM 3. I am sure that there are many Oracle Infrastructure related professionals who would like to install it in their test environments and start evaluating the product. The problem is beside of the Oracle VM Server you need an Oracle VM Manager. Oracle VM Manager provides management interface for managing one or several Oracle VM servers. It appears that Oracle VM Manager requires a separate host with at least 6GB of RAM just to get it installed. In this post I explain how you can install both Oracle VM Server 3 and Oracle VM Manager 3 allocating to both components just 1GB of RAM on the same logical server (Dom0)."

Installing Oracle VM Manager 3.0.1 under Dom0 host - http://www.pythian.com/blog/installing-oracle-vm-manager-3-0-1-under-dom0-host/

Deploy DDK on VMware

The OVA would not import due to compatibility errors. I extracted the OVF/VMDK and tried to import the VMDK directly into a VM which also failed. Finally I just started commenting out the problem areas in the OVF and finally got it to import:

Line 95: Unsupported element 'Connection'
The OVF package requires unsupported hardware.
Details: Line 51: Unsupported hardware family 'DMTF:Oracle:X86:OracleVM_Xen:HVM_Linux'.
The OVF package requires unsupported hardware.
Details: Line 82: OVF hardware element 'Resource Type' with instance ID '4': No support for the virtual hardware device type '20'.
# diff OVM_311_SDK_x86_64_PVHVM.ovf.original OVM_311_SDK_x86_64_PVHVM.ovf
<             <!--<ovf:System>
>                       <ovf:System>
<             </ovf:System>-->
>                       </ovf:System>
<             <!--<ovf:Item>
>                       <ovf:Item>
<             </ovf:Item>-->
<             <!--<ovf:Item>
>                       </ovf:Item>
>                       <ovf:Item>
<             </ovf:Item>-->
>                       </ovf:Item>

Dom0 Memory Limit

"Dom0 memory is limited and hence any kernel drivers within dom0 has the limit as well. You can increase dom0 memory however from the default."

Please review the docs on this:

Installer sets dom0 memory during installation as such:

dom0_mem = 502 + int(physical_mem * 0.0205) 


kernel /xen.gz console=com1,vga com1=38400,8n1 dom0_mem=1024M


Oracle VM server 3.3.1 - 3.8.13-16.3.1.el6uek.x86_64 (BETA)


  • 3.8.13-16.2.1.el6uek.x86_64 (1 file)
  • 3.8.13-16.3.1.el6uek.x86_64


OVM 3.2.1 DDK (OEL 5.7) - 2.6.39-300.22.2.el5uek

  • /lib/modules/
    • 2.6.18- (missing build dir)
    • 2.6.18- (missing build dir)
    • 2.6.39-300.22.2.el5uek (-> /usr/src/kernels/2.6.39-300.22.2.el5uek)
  • /usr/src/kernels/
    • 2.6.18-
    • 2.6.18-274.el5-x86_64
    • 2.6.39-300.22.2.el5uek
vermagic:       2.6.39-300.22.2.el5uek SMP mod_unload modversions


Oracle VM server 3.2.7 (OEL 5.7) - 2.6.39-300.32.6.el5uek

Oracle VM server 3.2.6 (OEL 5.7) - 2.6.39-300.32.5.el5uek

Oracle VM server 3.2.2 (OEL 5.7) - 2.6.39-300.29.1.el5uek


OVM 3.1.1 DDK (OEL 5.7) - 2.6.32-300.7.1.el5uek

  • /lib/modules/
    • 2.6.18- (missing build dir)
    • 2.6.18- (missing build dir)
    • 2.6.32-300.3.1.el5uek (missing build dir)
    • 2.6.32-300.7.1.el5uek (build dir link broken /usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-300.7.1.el5uek)
  • /usr/src/kernels/
    • 2.6.18-
    • 2.6.18-274.el5-x86_64
    • 2.6.39-200.1.1.el5uek
vermagic:       2.6.39-200.1.1.el5uek SMP mod_unload modversions


mv /lib/modules/2.6.32-300.7.1.el5uek/build /lib/modules/2.6.32-300.7.1.el5uek/build.broken
ln -s /usr/src/kernels/2.6.39-200.1.1.el5uek /lib/modules/2.6.32-300.7.1.el5uek/build


Oracle VM server 3.1.1 (OEL 5.7) - 2.6.39-200.1.1.el5uek


Our latest UEK2 kernel is available here:


or simply install wget http://public-yum.oracle.com/public-yum-ol6.repo to your yum directory.

rpm -Uvh http://public-yum.oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL6/UEK/latest/x86_64/getPackage/kernel-uek-2.6.39-200.34.1.el6uek.x86_64.rpm
rpm -Uvh http://public-yum.oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL6/UEK/latest/x86_64/getPackageSource/kernel-uek-2.6.39-200.34.1.el6uek.src.rpm
rpm -Uvh http://public-yum.oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL6/UEK/latest/x86_64/getPackage/kernel-uek-devel-2.6.39-200.34.1.el6uek.x86_64.rpm
wget http://public-yum.oracle.com/public-yum-ol6.repo
yum install kernel-uek-devel.x86_64

Already seems installed
