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 "Temporary failure in name resolution",		/* EAI_AGAIN      */

Address Info Error codes:

static const char * const ai_errlist[] = {
	"Address family for hostname not supported",	/* EAI_ADDRFAMILY */
	"Temporary failure in name resolution",		/* EAI_AGAIN      */
	"Invalid value for ai_flags",		       	/* EAI_BADFLAGS   */
	"Non-recoverable failure in name resolution", 	/* EAI_FAIL       */
	"ai_family not supported",			/* EAI_FAMILY     */
	"Memory allocation failure", 			/* EAI_MEMORY     */
	"No address associated with hostname", 		/* EAI_NODATA     */
	"hostname nor servname provided, or not known",	/* EAI_NONAME     */
	"servname not supported for ai_socktype",	/* EAI_SERVICE    */
	"ai_socktype not supported", 			/* EAI_SOCKTYPE   */
	"System error returned in errno", 		/* EAI_SYSTEM     */
	"Invalid value for hints",			/* EAI_BADHINTS	  */
	"Resolved protocol is unknown",			/* EAI_PROTOCOL   */
	"Argument buffer overflow",			/* EAI_OVERFLOW   */
	"Unknown error", 				/* EAI_MAX        */



#define EAI_ADDRFAMILY   1      /* address family for hostname not supported */
#define EAI_AGAIN        2      /* temporary failure in name resolution */
#define EAI_BADFLAGS     3      /* invalid value for ai_flags */
#define EAI_FAIL         4      /* non-recoverable failure in name resolution */
#define EAI_FAMILY       5      /* ai_family not supported */
#define EAI_MEMORY       6      /* memory allocation failure */
#define EAI_NODATA       7      /* no address associated with hostname */
#define EAI_NONAME       8      /* hostname nor servname provided, or not known */
#define EAI_SERVICE      9      /* servname not supported for ai_socktype */
#define EAI_SOCKTYPE    10      /* ai_socktype not supported */
#define EAI_SYSTEM      11      /* system error returned in errno */
#define EAI_BADHINTS    12
#define EAI_PROTOCOL    13
#define EAI_MAX         14