OpenWest Conference 2014
See OpenWest_Conference_2014#jQuery
Load jQuery
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.0.js"></script>
<p id="main">Hello World</p>
Reference Page Element
$("#main"); // by ID $("body"); // by tag $("p"); // by tag (all of them)
Replace Text
$("h1").fadeOut(3000); // freaken awesome! $("h1").fadeIn(3000); // freaken awesome! $(selector).fadeTo(milsec, percent); // eg: 2000, 0.5 $(selector).slideUp(milsec); $(selector).slideDown(milsec); $(selector).hide(); $(selector).show();
When you call a method on a jQuery object, the method usually returns the original object that it was called on.
$("h1").text("will fade").fadeOut(3000).fadeIn(3000);
$(elem).css({ left: leftPos; ... });
Moving Elements
$(elem).offset({ left: leftOffset });
// <h1 id="heading">hello</h1> var leftOffset = 0; var moveHeading = function () { $("#heading").offset({ left: leftOffset }); leftOffset++; if (leftOffset > 200) { leftOffset = 0; } }; setInterval(moveHeading, 30);
Event Handling
var clickHandler = function(event) { // x-y coordinates start top-left corner of screen console.log("click " + event.pageX + " " + event.pageY); } $(elem).click(clickHandler); // assign event handler
Mouse Click
$(elem).click(clickHandler); // assign event handler
var getDistance = function (event, targetX, targetY) { var diffX = event.offsetX - targetX; var diffY = event.offsetY - targetY; return Math.sqrt((diffX * diffX) + (diffY * diffY)); };
Mouse Movement
<canvas id="canvas" width="200" height="200"></canvas> <script> // x-y coordinates start top-left corner of screen $("html").mousemove(function (event) { $("#heading").offset({ left: event.pageX, top: event.pageY }); });
Creating Elements
var createImg = function (imgConf) { var imgHtml = '<img src='http://...">'; var imgElement = $(imgHtml); // create jQuery object imgElement.css({ left: imgConf.x; ... }); $('body').append(imgElement); };
Keyboard Controlled Ball
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); var width = canvas.width; var height = canvas.height; var circle = function (x, y, radius, fillCircle) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); if (fillCircle) { ctx.fill(); } else { ctx.stroke(); } }; // The Ball constructor var Ball = function () { this.x = width / 2; this.y = height / 2; this.xSpeed = 5; this.ySpeed = 0; }; // Update the ball's position based on its speed Ball.prototype.move = function () { this.x += this.xSpeed; this.y += this.ySpeed; if (this.x < 0) { this.x = width; } else if (this.x > width) { this.x = 0; } else if (this.y < 0) { this.y = height; } else if (this.y > height) { this.y = 0; } }; // Draw the ball at its current position Ball.prototype.draw = function () { circle(this.x, this.y, 10, true); }; // Set the ball's direction based on a string Ball.prototype.setDirection = function (direction) { if (direction === "up") { this.xSpeed = 0; this.ySpeed = -5; } else if (direction === "down") { this.xSpeed = 0; this.ySpeed = 5; } else if (direction === "left") { this.xSpeed = -5; this.ySpeed = 0; } else if (direction === "right") { this.xSpeed = 5; this.ySpeed = 0; } else if (direction === "stop") { this.xSpeed = 0; this.ySpeed = 0; } }; // Create the ball object var ball = new Ball(); // An object to convert keycodes into action names var keyActions = { 32: "stop", 37: "left", 38: "up", 39: "right", 40: "down" }; // The keydown handler that will be called for every keypress $("body").keydown(function (event) { var direction = keyActions[event.keyCode]; ball.setDirection(direction); }); // The animation function, called every 30 ms setInterval(function () { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); ball.draw(); ball.move(); ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, width, height); }, 30); </script>