Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word
Picture Border
- Right click on picture
- Borders and Shading
- Borders Tab
- Setting - Box
- Apply to: Text
Note: if you select picture it will not show up during picture loading. If you select paragraph it will put a box around the paragraph up to the page width.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word -
CTRL+SHIFT+K Format letters as small capitals.
Mirror Text
- Insert a text box and enter the text you want to flip and format it accordingly
- Right-click the text box and choose Format Shape.
- Choose 3-D Rotation in the left pane.
- Change the X setting to 180.
- Click OK, and Word flips the text in the text box, producing a mirror image. You can create an upside-down mirror image by changing the Y setting to 180.
- Quick Tip: Flip text for a mirror image in Word - TechRepublic -