PLUG - Home Automation - 2009.04.08
PLUG - Home Automation - 2009.04.08
Ryan Erickson -
Control 4
Generally you see islands of automation, but not all integrated.
controllers - devices - communications - UI - setup
communications: ir, serial, Ethernet (wire & wifi), zigbee mesh network (802.11.4), Z Wave
Mesh network - the more you have, the stronger the signal as it hops between signals.
X10 lighting and Insteon lighting. X10 is cheaper
Open source solutions:
- roll your own: linux/x10/lirc/cron/scripting
- integrated:
- misterhouse - stable - old
- linux mce - flashy
- open remote - currently vapor ware
open source con: low SAF (spouse approval factor)
High end : C4, AMx, Crestron
control4 is not really a DIY (does not currenly offer)
too much automation? - pieter knuvers
domotica forms - home automation in europe - everything home autoamtion (niel cherry)