Graphical User Representation | Wiki | BoardGameGeek -
Kickstarter Lesson #94: The Top 10 Ways to Survive and Thrive on BoardGameGeek | Stonemaier Games -
Article #8 – How to use BGG | Gate Keeper Games -
Utilizing BoardGameGeek | Designing Cardboard -
Account Manager -
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My Tags -
My Wish List - [1]
My Want to Play List - [2]
My Games to Play - [3]
My Games - [4]
Games Related to Me - [5]
All My Games - [6]
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My Recently Viewed Games -
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My Ratings - [7]
My Geek Buddies -
My Previously Owned Games - [8]
My Games for Trade - [9]
My Don't Buy List - [10]
My Disconnected Games - [11]
My Games I Have Played - [12]
My Recently Added Games - [13]
Acquired Game Order - [14]
Tricks of the Geek | BoardGameGeek -
More Tricks of the Geek | BoardGameGeek -
User's Avatar
Posting a user's avatar, take out the spaces from this: [15]
[username = Aldie]
Inline Pictures
If you ever want two pictures to line up next to each other instead of on 2 separate lines just add the word inline after the ID# of the pictures. [16]
Example: Remove the spaces from this
[ImageID = 254419inline][ImageID = 254417inline]
URL text
Referencing a URL
In order to link to a URL through text use the following format (minus the spaces): [17]
[url =]Solving a Rubik's Cube[ /url]
QuickBar Links
Your favorite BGG QuickBar links
Quickbar Links Here is one that may seem too obvious for inclusion on this list, but it was one of those features that I kept looking at and thinking I will find out how to do that when I have a minute or two. Of course on BGG a minute or two is never spent on those intentions and it must of been about 6 months later when I finally got around to using the quickbar.
By clicking on one of the "+" signs on the quickbar list, which is found in the upper right hand corner of most BGG pages, it will save the page you are currently on. Then by clicking on the word "Quickbar" it will allow you to edit so you can give the link a name. Click the "save" button and your ready to go.
There are 10 pages of quickbars giving 100 shortcuts. This also means that links may be categorised. Someone may correct me if I am wrong but as you can put any link into the quickbar you could use non BGG links too?
Unpublished Prototype
Unpublished Prototype | Board Game | BoardGameGeek -
If you submit a game and want to make sure it is in the queue or you would like to know that the game you intend to submit is not already in the queue, then you need the link for the queue. I still don't know where to find this link, but someone told me and I copied it: [18]
Pending Items | BoardGameGeek -
BGG Down!forum/BGG_Down
Linking to a Game Page
If you want to link to the page of a game, you can use the following command or the Game button when you are posting.
Take out the spaces from this:
[GAMEID = 31260]
And you get this: Agricola
Useful when you want to make statements like:
The game currently holding the number one spot on Board Game Geek is Agricola, which is a game about farming.
Geek Gold -
For anything and everything a new user could want to know about earning and spending geekgold, check out this wiki page:
Wiki index:
use the double brackets:
For example (minus the spaces) [ [ Kosmos_two-player_series ] ] Kosmos_two-player_series
Talk in Text
Tricks of the Geek | BoardGameGeek -
Personal Gallery
It's seems that quite a few people don't know this.
Yes, that's right, folks, you can upload pictures galore in your very own gallery.
Go to your profile page.
Click on the Gallery Tab. There you are. It's yours all yours.
- Upload photo.
- Profit!!
Customize Front Page
If you want to customise your Front Page then its easy (but I always forget how, so no doubt others do too): Go to "My Geek", then "Account" and "Customise Front Page"
Customize Game Pages
Now can I customize the layout of the game pages? [19] I hate to see videos before the forums...
Go to a game page, then click on Customize View (on the right side of the information section – or you can click the link above and go to Customize View for Twilight Struggle). You can drag the sections (entry, description, user information, etc.) up or down to change the order, and you can set each section as visible or collapsed. The customization works for all games, not only the one you are currently viewing, so you only need to do it once.
I Don't Know, What Do You Want To Play?
If you haven't looked into this you should. It's a handy app that uses your username to make printable cards of the games you have. The cards have a picture of the game, a high level summary, and suggested players and weight. The idea is to have a card for every game you own, and to use the cards as a sort of quick metagame to decide what game you want to play. The cards also serve as a cool way of showing someone what games you have, as it's easier to flip through cards and look at the descriptions then to pull out every box and check out the back! [20]
The tool has been going through some bouts of instability lately, but it's definitely worth monitoring and checking out in the future when all the kinks are worked out.
Now there is an alternative method to get the same result, everything is explained in this thread:
Another way to generate printable cards of your games is this:
BGG Report Generator -
Secret Santa
If you participate in the BGG Secret Santa program, you can send anonymous geekmails to your target by using this account:
The username is Santa The Password is password
Sending Geekmail to multiple users
Many people don't seem to realize that it is quite simple to send a geekmail to multiple participants in one easy step. Simply put commas between the usernames of the people you want to send it to =
To: Blott, TheMole
It will send a copy of the same geekmail to all the recipients in your "To" box.
Game Play Comments
On each individual game page, way down at the bottom in the Statistics secion, there is a label Num Ratings. Next to this is a number that is hyperlinked. Click on this number to see everyone's comments about a game. It's the only way I know of to access this feature.
Update: With the new site design, this is now at the very top of the game pages. Click the "xx ratings" link.
How did he do that??
Anytime you see a post, Geekmail, etc. with some nifty formatting and are asking yourself the above question, just hit the quote button! All the code necessary to duplicate the post can be found inside the quote tags, for your future reference.
My trick is if I see something in a post and I want to be able to do that myself. I hit the quote button. That way you see how the other poster did it. You just go back after you have figured it out and you can try yourself by using the preview button.
In case that you can't quote (something you see in the user profile and want to do) Just take a look at the source of the page. (CTRL+U on my PC)
It is also handy to use tags. That way you be able to find a bunch of related stuff quick I used to do this for languagelevels a lot. But you could make tags yourself. PNP (print and play) is a nice tag.
And if you are not able to figure something out. You could allways ask in the the how to BGG forum. You are bound to get an answer in less than half an hour.
When did we play that game
Did you want to find the date(s) on which a particular user had played a particular game? Of course from the user profile you can list all their games played, a page at a time, and from the game page you can list all the users who had played it, again a page at a time. Both those searches can be slow, for active players and popular games.
A more direct method is to type in a URL of this form:
where the first number is the game's id and the second is the user's id.
For the game id, it's in the address of the game page e.g.
For the player, go to the their profile, click on 'Gallery' in the menu bar, and note down the user's ID number in the page URL e.g.
Talk in Text
Since you can't actually get to the buttons for putting in geek lists and I'm lazy, I wanted a list of code to copy and paste quickly. I started using standard for variables but that makes double clicking and replacing more difficult. Values in ALLCAPS are descriptive variables to be replaced with appropriate values. DESC is an optional description. If left out, the text of the thing linked to is shown (for Geek items) or the link iteself, otherwise DESC shows up. [21]
Also see:
Text: [b][/b] Bold [i][/i] Italic [u][/u] Underline [-][/-] Strike-through [center][/center] Center [color=#NNNNNN][/color] Color [bgcolor=#NNNNNN][/bgcolor] Background color [q="USER"][/q] Quote, USER optional [o][/o] Spoiler [c][/c] Code, fixed width courier font [hr] Horizontal Rule (line) [url]LINK[/url] URL [url=LINK]DESC[/url] URL with text [size=N][/size] Font size. 7=Tiny, 9=Small, 10=Normal, 18=Large, 24=Huge r{TEXT} Color TEXT red. b{TEXT} Color TEXT blue. g{TEXT} Color TEXT green. y{TEXT} Color TEXT yellow. Media [ImageID=N] Geek image Put the following qualifier after the id or before IMG in external image for effect: inline square micro small (Default) medium large original [img]URL[/img] External Image [youtube=XXXX] Youtube [vimeo=XXXX] Vimeo [mp3]URL|TITLE[/mp3] MP3 [floatleft]XX[/floatleft] Float on Left [floatright]XX[/floatright] Float on Right [center]XX[/center] Center [clear] Reset display after above commands Geek Link [geekurl=URL]DESC[/geekurl] Internal Geek Link [thread=NNN]DESC[/thread] Forum Thread [article=NNN]DESC[/article] Reply [comment=NNNN]DESC[/comment] Comment [guild=NNNN]DESC[/guild] Guild [user=NAME] User [microbadge=NNNN] Microbadge [question=NNNN]DESC[/question] Question [blog=NNNN]DESC[/blog] Blog [blogpost=NNNN]DESC[/blogpost] Blog Post Geek Links with lookups: [thing=GAMENO]DESC[/thing] Board Game / RPG Item / Periodical / Issue / RPG Periodical / RPG Issue / Video Game / Video Game Character / Video Game Hardware [gameid=GAMENO]DESC[/thing] Board Game (probably synonym for thing.) [geeklist=NNNN]DESC[/geeklist] Geek List [listitem=NNNN]DESC[/listitem] Geek List Item [filepage=NNNN]DESC[/filepage] File [person=NNNN]DESC[/person] Designer / Artist / RPG Artist / RPG Designer / RPG Producer / Video Game Developer [company=NNNN]DESC[/company] Publisher / RPG Publisher / Video Game Publisher [property=NNNN]DESC[/property] Game Mechanic / Category / RPG Category / RPG Mechanic / Character Category / Video Game Rating / Video Game Theme [family=NNNN]DESC[/family] Family / Podcast / RPG / RPG Genre / RPG Family / RPG System / RPG Setting / RPG Series / Video Game Franchise / Video Game Series / Video Game Platform / Video Game Genre / RPG Podcast [media=9261]DESC[/media] Podcast Episode / RPG Issue Article / Video Game Walkthrough / RPG Podcast Episode / Video Game Podcast Episode ?? Character Version / Video Game Expansion / Video Game Hardware Category / Hardware Manufacturer / Video Game Periodical / Video Game Issue / Video Game Podcast Need to be done via link: (I think) [imageid=NNNN] Upload Geek Image [roll=NNNN] Roll [poll=NNNN] Poll [quiz=NNNN] Quiz
[ color=gray ] text [ /color ]
Out of Character gray text:
[ ooc ] gray text goes here [ /ooc]
Recover deleted images
Say you've used an image in a review, but the uploader later deletes the image. Your review now has a big hole in it where the image once was. Grr!
But, all is not lost!
You can get the image back, with a little know-how of the BGG structure. When you insert a BGG image into a post, it uses this syntax (minus the space):
[ImageID =134431]
This image has been deleted, so if I try to use it normally, I get this:
But, if I use the external image tags (again, take the space out):
[IMG ][/IMG]
I get the image back:
You can get the different file sizes by appending the following after the image ID and before the .jpg:
_sq = square _t = small (tiny?) _md = medium _lg = large
e.g. square:
[IMG ] [/IMG]
This trick is going to be 'fixed' in the near future:
Major image bug? Deleted images not actually deleted, but still accessible by direct link -
In fairness, it is a bug in terms of user privacy... it's not hard to imagine situations where a user might have a legitimate reason to want something truly deleted.
According to a comment just posted by Aldie, it has been fixed.
The Great Divide
I saw someone using this tag to create a divider.... [ hr ] I've always done it manually, but this could be nice for blogs and longer posts....
Wide Open Edit
When posting/editing a thread / reply / Geeklist item etc, the text box you type in to can be resized by dragging the lower right corner.
This is particularly useful if your post is a list with a lot of forum markup, as you can stretch it wide enough to keep each item on one line while editing, rather than having them wrap. Or if you are posting a lengthy reply and don't want to keep scrolling the text box up and down when checking it.
Should be obvious to everybody. Never ever noticed by me until now. modest
Email Notifications
You can get email notification whenever you get geekmail or subsciption notification:
For Geekmail: Go to your account (upper left corner area-- the envelope icon) then in the left pane, click on Settings. Then check mark "Forward Messages". Click the Save button. You will now get any Geekmail forwarded to the email account you have listed there.
For Subscriptions: Go to (upper left corner area--the "subscription" icon) then in the upper bar, click on Preferences, then in the Notification Type box, select Email. Then click the Save button.
(If you happen to use Gmail and Chrome, you can download a free extension called "Checker Plus for Gmail" that throws up a pop up whenever your gmail account receives an email (as long as you are online, of course). I would assume other browsers have something similar, but I don't know, as I never use other browsers.)
Email Announcements
You can set up your subscription to skip the replies and only get the new announcements. This works with Geeklists too.
I'm sure this is old news for most people, but I just learned this. . .(yes, I'm slower at learning than you are).
I've gotten some great deals by subscribing to the Hot Deals forum. Thus, I get daily subscription announcements from that forum. But until I learned how to set up my subscription properly, I also got all the constant replies from every post--annoying!
- Subscribe to whatever you want, then
- Click on the little down arrow
- Choose "Edit Subscription"
- In the "Reply" field (or "Comment" field, if you are subscribing to a Geeklist) click on the down arrow and choose "No"
- Click on Save
Scrabble Letters
Here's a thing, you can write sentences using
The option to do this is inbetween the Smilies and the Formatting:
A little birdy tells me that the keyboardify was added upon request of the VideoGameGeekers -
Bullet Items
To create a simple bullet list: [22] [23] • [ALT] + 0149
[c] [/c]• One [c] [/c]• Two [c] [/c]• Three
Or: [24]
Or use micro badges: [25]
[c] [/c][microbadge=14511][c] [/c]
Paragraph center vertically:
[floatleft]•[/floatleft]Text Text Text....
See also:
[person=69802]Isaac Childres[/person]
Printable Album
Figured this may be useful for a few people here.
- Make a collection on BGG
- While viewing your collection, switch to thumbnail view
- Select all the images and copy
- Paste in Microsoft Word
- Set columns to 3
- Remove text (optional)
Bgg2Pdf -
Cardboard Butler
Help pick a game to play...
Hi i am kiloforce I am looking for a game that plays in any time with any number of players and I prefer games that are highly rated
If your site blocks, try
Scott Alden (Aldie) - Site and Code Development, Bug Fixes, and BGG ChangeLog.
Representative Image
Each game may have a "representative image". This is the default image which will be used (in thumbnail form) when the game is presented in lists, gallery view and is the image that appears at the top of the game entry.
To change the image, click the three vertical dots underneath the image you want to propose as representative and click Propose Representative.
Representative Image | Wiki | BoardGameGeek -
GeekMod is a community driven system to pass judgement on images, reviews, session reports, representative images and the like. GeekMod users also have a say on how much GeekGold reviews and session reports should receive, if they are accepted.
GeekMod -
Go to the page, and choose one of the items listed in a horizontal row at the top of the screen (Images, Videos, Links, Articles, Data). The number next to the link tells how many items are in that queue.
GeekMod | Wiki | BoardGameGeek -
How do I report an error with a file
Help tab at the top and choose Admins. Then you can select the most appropriate one.
GM lolcese BGG Admin (Game File Submissions, versions submissions and corrections):
How do I report an error with a file | BoardGameGeek | BoardGameGeek -
BGG Through the Years
What have you done to my layout?? BGG's look & feel through time: 2001 to date | BoardGameGeek -
Submitting a New Game
Create Item | Board Game | BoardGameGeek -
Pending Items | BoardGameGeek -
Kickstarter Game Family