Google Earth
Elevation Profile
Elevation profile - Earth Help -
Either go to Edit > Show Elevation Profile, or right-click on your path from the Places panel and select Show Elevation Profile.
keyboard shortcuts
r - reset tilt and compass
Reverse Path
Google Earth does not have this feature built in.
There is an easier way:
- Export kml file.
- Go to
- Click 'Load Route' and import the kml file
- Reverse route
- Save route as kml file
- Import again in Google Earth.
how to reverse a path - Google Product Forums -!msg/earth/MghurQRxTRs/lcaIQDD-hQkJ
GPX Remote Timestamp
# This parses out the time element of a gpx for Google Earth # Author: Kenneth Burgener (2015) import os import sys import optparse import fnmatch from sys import argv import xml.sax, xml.sax.saxutils class my_filter_xml(xml.sax.ContentHandler): def __init__(self, outfile, verbose=False): self.output = xml.sax.saxutils.XMLGenerator(outfile, 'utf-8') self.indent = 0 self.ignore = False self.output.startDocument() def startElement(self, name, attrs): print " " * self.indent + "start: " + name if attrs.keys(): keys = " " * (self.indent + 2) + "attrs:" for key in attrs.keys(): keys = keys + " " + key + "=" + attrs[key] print keys self.indent = self.indent + 2 #self.output.startElement(name, {}) if name == "time": self.ignore = True #if not self.ignore: self.output.startElement(name, attrs) def characters(self, ch): if ch.strip(): print " " * self.indent + "ch: " + ch.strip() if not self.ignore: self.output.characters(ch) else: if not self.ignore: self.output.characters("\n") def endElement(self, name): self.indent = self.indent - 2 print " " * self.indent + "/end: " + name #if not self.ignore: self.output.endElement(name) if name == "time": self.ignore = False if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "Remove time stamp in GPX file for Google Earth" print "Usage: %s tracks.gpx" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) print "Parsing %s..." % sys.argv[1] source = open(sys.argv[1]) dest = open(sys.argv[1] + ".notime.gpx", 'w+') xml.sax.parse(source, my_filter_xml(dest, True)) print "Done parsing to %s.notime.gpx!" % sys.argv[1]
Failure to Install on Windows 10
installer error 1603
The installer encountered error 1603
- This just means that Google Earth was already installed. Uninstall the previous and reinstall.