< Python
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # python -m pip install pymongo import pymongo import urllib.parse # pymongo tutorial - with open('../files/mongo.username', 'r') as file: username ='\n', '') with open('../files/mongo.password', 'r') as file: password ='\n', '') # pymongo.errors.InvalidURI: Username and password must be escaped according to RFC 3986, use urllib.parse.quote_plus() q_username = urllib.parse.quote_plus(username) q_password = urllib.parse.quote_plus(password) creds = (f"{q_username}:{q_password}") db_url = f"mongodb://{creds}@" print(db_url) db_client = pymongo.MongoClient(db_url) print("List Databases:") print(db_client.list_database_names()) # MongoDB will create the database if it does not exist, and make a connection to it. db = db_client["test"] # MongoDB will create the collection if it does not exist. people = db["people"] person = {"name": "John", "color": "blue"} x = people.insert_one(person) print(x.inserted_id) person = {"name": "Mike", "color": "Green"} x = people.insert_one(person) print(x.inserted_id) # Find first person in collection first_person = people.find_one() print("First person:") print(first_person) print("Find people who like blue:") # if you want to sort: blue_people.sort(KEY) blue_people = people.find({"color": "blue"}).sort('name') # print(blue_people) for person in blue_people: print(person) print("Delete blue people") x = people.delete_many({"color": "blue"}) print(x) # update one record print("Updating Mike:") x = people.update_one({"name": "Mike"}, {"$set": {"color": "red"}}) print(x) print("Mike:") mike = people.find_one({"name": "Mike"}) print(mike) print("Drop collection") people.drop() print("Done")