Foundry VTT

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Foundry VTT




unzip -d $HOME/foundryvtt


sudo apt install -y libssl-dev gcc g++ make
curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs


node resources/app/main.js --dataPath=$HOME/foundrydata


Update node js:

curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - &&\ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs


 curl -sL | sudo bash -





   /artwork for art included in journals, items, or handouts
   /audio for sound files
   /tiles for tile images used in scenes
   /tokens for actor tokens
   /maps for map backgrounds used in scenes
cd ~/foundrydata/Data
mkdir artwork audio tiles tokens maps



To auto deselect by clicking, settings:

  • Left-Click to Release Objects - a left click on empty canvas space will release any currently controlled objects.

Combat - Skip Defeated

Combat -> Settings -> Skip Defeated?


With comment:

/r 2d10+5  #This is my attack

Condensed HTML:

/r 2d10+5 #<h2> This is my attack roll </h2>

Ref: [1]

Chat Injection

[[/r 1d20 # this is flavor]]
[[/r 10d10[poison] # You got stung, kid]]{Poison Damage}
[[/r 10d10[psychic] # Your brain shudders]]{Psychic Damage}

Hiding Mouse Cursor


ref [2]



Inline Roll now:


Inline Roll later:

[[/r 3d6]]


/r floor(1d12/3)
/r ceil(1d12/3)
/r round(1d12/3)
/r abs(5d6 - 20)

Inline Properties

A quick use, select a token, and do a "/r @abilities.str.mod" or any of the below...

 .str, .con, .dex, .hon, .int, .san, .str, .wis
   .mod  # 0
   .value  # 10
  .armor  # 10
  .bonus  # 0
  .calc   # "flat"
  .flat   # 13
  .formula # ""
  .shield  # 0
  .value  # 13
  .value  # 12
  .max  # 15
  .temp  # 0
  .tempmax  # 0
  .formula "2d8 +6"
  .mod  # 1
  .total # 1
  .value # 0
  .bonus  # 0
  .walk  # 30
  .burrow  # 0
  .climb  # 0
  .fly  # 0
  .hover  #  false
  .swim  # 0
  .units  # "ft"  # 2 - proficiency bonus
  .darkvision  # 60
  .blindsight  # 0
  .tremorsense  # 0
  .truesight  # 0
@attributes.spellLevel  # 0
@attributes.spelldc  # 10
@bonuses.spell.dc  # ?  # 0.5 - Challenge Raiting
@details.level  # overall level
@details.spelllevel  # 0 - Spell level
@details.xp  # 100 - xp value  # 6 - cr value
@traits.size  # med - Size

ref: [3]

Seeing a list of attributes

If you wish to see the list of @attributes you can utilize, open console (F12) and type (token should be selected). You will see a list of options you can reference in a dot notation. For example, if you wish to reference the stealth modifier, it would be: @skills.ste.mod.

The top level attributes you can access with the @ symbol are: @abilities, @attributes, @bonuses, @currency, @details, @resources, @skills, @spells, @traits.


ref: [4]

Journal Formatting


Inline Roll now:


Inline Roll later:

[[/r 3d6]]

Inline Roll later:

[[/r 3d6 # for luck]]


@dex -- dex
@int -- dex
@prof -- proficency bonus


UUID Jouranl references:

# Actor
# Actor's Item or Spell
# Item or Spell
# Folder:
# Jouranl:
# Roll Table:
# Cards:
# World Compendium:
@UUID[]{Acid (vial)}
# Shared Compendiums:
@UUID[Compendium.dnd5e.items.Item.Sx5E6utixHdAbGNb]{Acid (vial)}
Entity          Code
--------------- ------------------------------------------
Character/Actor	@Actor[Character Name] (Note there must be an actor that exists with that name. Not just a Compendium entry.)
Scene		@Scene[Scene Name]
Item		@Item[Item Name] (As with actor references, this refers to an item (see item sidebar). A Compendium entry isn’t enough.)
Journal Entry	@JournalEntry[Journal Entry Name]
Compendium	@Compendium[Entry Name]
Roll Table	@RollTable[Roll Table Name]
Macro		@Macro[Macro Name]

Spell in compendium:

@Compendium[dnd5e.spells.a3XtAO5n2GrqiAh5]{Create or Destroy Water}

Ref: [5]


Critical Fail Deck

Critical Hit and Fail Animation and Sounds

Module Creator

Foundry VTT Module Generator - Scene Packer

Module Manifest

  "id": "dice-tray",
  "title": "Dice Tray - An Example FVTT Module",
  "description": "A simple module created as a demo for working in the Foundry Virtual Tabletop framework.",
  "authors": [
    "name": "Atropos"
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "compatibility": {
    "minimum": "9",
    "verified": "10"



Alternative Pause Icon - OBSOLETE

Fired by "Alternative Pause Text" module

Use the "Alternative Pause Text" as it also includes option for placement.


Module to change the image of the pause icon shown when the game is paused, to make your UI just that little more unique.

Change the image and text using the module settings.

Now you can adjust the rotation speed too.

Alternative Pause Text


MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE - Vertical adjustment in pixels (number of pixels to move the icon. Negative values moves the picture up, positive moves it down. Now you can center the pause icon!

about -200 vertical adjustment is good

Fired the "Alterantive Pause Icon" module.

A simple fork of the pause-icon module. It adds support for pause-text-lists. There are pregenerated ones, but you can add your own lines or change the existing ones. You can also change the pause icon. Supported formats are jpg, png, webp and gif.

(simple fork of )

Always HP

We're always updating HP, so why not have a window that's always ready to do that.

This module will show a moveable window that can adjust the HP of the currently selected tokens. As well as healing them to full, or setting their status to dead.

Automated Animations

Automated Animations provides a UI interface for compiling Sequences (Sequencer Module) to be automatically played in your game system based on name recognition through the Global Automatic Recognition menu. The in-built select menus are populated with JB2A animation choices, but any animation can be set with the Custom field.


  • #JB2A
  • Sequencer
  • Socketlib

Supported Modules:

  • CORE or Midi-QOL or Ready Set Roll

Cards - Tarokka

"FoundryVTT Cards"

Install with:


Card Tokens

Drag cards to the canvas from hands or piles. On dropping the card on the canvas, you will be asked where and how to play the card withe the standard dialog. When the card moves to that pile/hand a few things will happen:

an actor folder will be created if one does not exist already an actor representing that card will be created in that folder a token will be added to the canvas with the face showing based on how the card was played


Carousel Combat Tracker


Carousel style combat tracker. Spiritual successor of Combat Carousel after it was abandoned with V11

Chat Images

Chat Images - allows to copy and paste image in chat (right click an image in a browser and select "copy image" then paste in foundry

The title says it all, this module adds support for images in the chat: copy-paste, drag & drop, and links are automatically converted to images.

Chat Portrait

Chat Portrait - displays the character portrait in chat and also can color the chat background to the players color

A Foundry VTT module that displays the Actor's portrait images on the chat messages.

Clipboard Image

Allows copy-pasting images directly into Foundry VTT Tiles Layer.

Combat Booster

Show the latest used actions, customize, how many, how many columns and more.

Show a turn marker on the current combatant, customize size, transparency, rotation - animated webms supported

D&D Beyond Importer

Integrate your content: Characters, Spells, Items, Monsters, Adventures, Encounters, Classes, and Races. Quickly integrates your content into compendiums and import your characters from D&DBeyond (and sync their status back at the end of your game!)

Video tutorial to get folks started:

Dice So Nice


Dice so Nice! - 3D dice

This module for Foundry VTT adds the ability to show a 3D dice simulation when a roll is made.

Dice Tray

Dice tray - adds a dice tray below chat to allow easy quick rolling

This module adds a dice tray below the chat message area and turns the d20 icon near the chat prompt into a clickable link that opens up a new dice calculator dialog. The dice calculator includes buttons for dice, numbers, attributes for the selected token, and simple math. In addition, it includes support shorthand in for inline dice rolls, such as "@abil" and "@attr" instead of "@abilities" and "@attributes", respectively.

Drag Ruler


This module shows a ruler when you drag a token or measurement template to inform you how far you've dragged it from its start point. Additionally, if you're using a grid, the spaces the token will travel though will be colored depending on your tokens speed. By default, three colors are being used: green for spaces that your token can reach by walking normally are colored green, spaces that can only be reached by dashing will be colored yellow and spaces that cannot be reached with the token's speed will be colored red. If you're using a gridless map the ruler color will change to convey this information.

Dynamic Active Effects

Flanking Advantage:

flags.midi-qol.advantage.attack.mwak  Custom  1
flags.midi-qol.advantage.attack.msak  Custom  1

Flanking +2:

system.bonuses.mwak.attack  Custom  2[flank]

Easy Notes

A module for FoundryVTT which adds an area for fast note taking.

Easy Notes adds a button in the player list, next to the user's name. This button opens a form containing a text area that updates its content every time it is closed or deselected.

No frills, non formatting notes.

Just wish this were per player!!!

Find the Culprit


This module helps you debug compatibility issues of modules, by finding the module that is responsible for the issue, without having to manually activate and deactivate all your modules yourself. Just click the Find the culprit button in Module Management to start the process.

Follow Me


Follow Me is a module for Foundry VTT that allows tokens to follow or be followed by other tokens. This is completely system agnostic, and fully customizable to fit right into your game.

Forien's Quest Log

This module provides comprehensive Quest Log system for players and Game Masters to use with Foundry VTT.

Give Item to Another Player


Were you ever in a session and you wanted to give an item to one of your friends? With this module you do not need to tell them the name of the item so they search for it in the compendium.

Was that an item that you created only in your inventory? No problem.

This module adds a button for each item in order to give that item to a different player.

Open your inventory and on the far right just click on the `hands` button.

GM Notes

A Foundry VTT Module to add GM-Only notes to entities (Actors, Items, Lights, Tiles, Drawings and JournalEntrys). This module is system independet, but has an additional feature to easily move GM notes to or from JournalEntrys content. For 5e it also supports the actors bio and items description.

SUGGESTION: Click the "Change Color when Notes are present" button!

Health Estimate


A simple module for showing estimated health level of an enemy on mouseover, similar to Baldur's Gate games. Comes with a wide array of options to customize its behavior.

Eg. "Barely Injured", "Near Death", etc...

Health Monitor

DLAevaJ.png jQZeLfc.png

A simple spam bot made for FVTT that send a message in chat when health of token/actor changes.

Hurry Up Combat Timer


A simple timer to hurry up your players in combat! Tired of those pesky players taking forever to then just swing a longsword after a 10 minute wait? Well, i have the solution for you!

Illandril's Pact Slot Third Caster


This is a module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop, for the DnD5e System, that adds a "Third Caster (Pact)" option for class spell progression.

Having levels in a Third Caster (Pact) classes will provide a character with Pact Slots and increase their Pact Slot Level as if they had 1/3 as many Warlock class levels.

ex. Blood Hunter Order of the Profane Soul

Image Hover

This module allows users on the token layer to hover over actor tokens and see the character art.

Fixed - Broken in v11? -

Initiative Double Click

Double click the initiative value in the combat tracker to quickly modify it.



Animated Assets Library

Used with #Automated Animations

Long Rest Hit Die Healing

Adds the "Slow Natural Healing" rules to the dnd5e system. Rather than healing to full hit points, actors now have the option to spend hit dice on a long rest.


Temporary fork of the Rest Hit Dice Healing module.



Mass Edit

FoundryVTT module for searching and editing multiple placeables at the same time.


Midi Quality of Life Improvements

REPLACES Better 5e Rolls


  • Dynamic effects using Active Effects
  • Let Me Roll That For You

Midi-qol provides combat automation with almost all features being optional.

  • Auto roll attacks and damage rolls
  • Auto roll saving throws and/or prompt players/GMs to roll saving throws.
  • Automatically check hits
  • Automatically apply damage to targets taking into account damage immunities
  • Automatically apply active effects to targets
  • Automatically apply/remove concentration.
  • Many "special duration" settings to expire effects
  • Many flags to alter roll behaviour


--- Fully Automation Tweaks ---



  • Auto roll damage: Damage Roll Needed


  • Auto roll damage: Damage Roll Needed


  • Saves -> Search item desciption [x]
  • Saves -> Prompt Players to Roll Saves: Monk's Token Bar (default: LMRTFY)


  • Show Chat prompt for reactions [X]
  • Enforce Reactions: Display status Icon
  • Enforce Bonus Actions: Display status icon
  • Record Attacks of Opportunity: All actors


  • Color code Hit/Miss/Save Display


  • (House Rule) Critical/Fumble always succeed/fail for saving throws [X]
  • (House Rule) Critical Roll Margin: 10 (default is -1 disabled)
  • (House Rule) Allow normal criticals [X]

--- Not Fully Auto Tweaks ---

Main Menu:

  • (if not doing fully auto...) Add damage buttons to chat message: add buttons for everyone

--- IMAGES ---

Minimal UI

Extremely Configurable UI module, allows the user to hide, collapse or auto-hide components separately.

This includes hiding Foundry's Logo, Players List, Scene Navigation and Macro Bar.

Note: if you click on the Foundry Icon it hides/unhides everything!

--- Tweaks ---

My changes:

  • Foundry Logo Visibility: Hide Completely -> Standard
  • Player List Size: Standard -> Small
  • Ping Logger with Minimal UI Behavior (if installed): Hide -> Show


  • Scene Navigation Style: Start Collapsed (now default)
  • Left Controls Submenu Style: Always Visible (now default)
  • Macro Hotbar: Start Collapsed (now default)

Decided against:

  • Player List Behavior: Click Toggle -> Auto-Hide
  • Foundry Logo Image: icons/fvtt.png -> icons/anvil.png (smaller) -- doesn't work

Module Compatability Checker

Check your module list for compatibility with the latest major version of Foundry VTT.

Monk's Active Tile Triggers

Add-On Module for Foundry VTT Want to teleport, or open doors, or hide characters, or display a message, or play a sound, or change a token's elevation when a token walks over a tile... now you can

Monk's Bloodsplats

Display dead creatures as bloodsplats to keep the battlefield clear of tokens. Bloodsplats are generated randomly per creature and show when the creature has a dead or defeated status. With options to change the colour and transparency of the blood splat, either individually or per world.


Monk's Combat Details

A bunch of quality of life things to make running combat a little easier. Including turn notification, combat automations, combat tracker upgrades, and token status bars specifically for combat.


  • Show Combat CR
  • Show starting location

Monk's Combat Marker

Display an animated disc behind the token to indicate the current combatant's turn. You can customise the animation, image that is display, size of the graphic, and speed of the animation.


Monk's Little Details

A bunch of quality of life improvements to make your games run smoother.

Monk's TokenBar

Add a token bar to show the current player tokens that are available on the current scene


  • Limit Movement
  • Saving Throw Dialog
  • Contested Roll Dialog
  • Assign XP Dialog

Monk's Wall Enhacement

This is a spin off from the original Monk's Little Details module. The original was getting a little large and I wanted to do more work with the Wall Functionality.


  • Drag wall points together
  • Double-click to create a new drag point


Multilevel Tokens

Adds several helpful token automation features, particularly (but not only) suited to maps with multiple levels.

  • Teleport tokens to another location when they move into a particular region (e.g. from the bottom of a staircase to the top).
  • Clone tokens from one region to another, syncing movement and other property updates (e.g. allowing players to "see" what is happening on floors below).
  • Trigger macros when a token enters or leaves a particular region.

Note Licker

Simple enhanced Scene Notes/Pins for Foundry to add autonumbering.

  • Create icons for scenes on the fly based on the journal name, e.g. 1a. Kobold Nursery would generate a nice icon with 1a in a circle. These are similar to the icons that are created by DDB Importer when importing an adventure.
  • Add the ability to remove the icon border. This is similar to the functionality in backgroundless-pins. If Backgroundless Pins is active, Note Licker will not enable this functionality, and works in v11. If Pin Cushion is installed, Note Licker will let this module handle background removal.
  • Add the ability to jump to an anchor link. This is similar to the functionality in JAL and DDB Importer. This supports the flags used by DDB Importer/Adventure Muncher as well as JAL. If JAL is active, Note Licker will not enable the anchor linking functionality. This has a different approach and some slight functional differences to JAL, to meet the more detailed requirements of DDB Importer, but may be useful for other systems.

Pause Notifier

Displays an indication when a player wants to move their token (using the movement keys) and the game is paused.

PnP - Pointers and Pings - USE FIX


Gives all players the option to show a customizable cursor on demand, as well as ping any location with a custom ping! Hotkeys, pings, pointer, everything customizable! As GM you can also move your players view to your pin on demand.


  • Press X for new Pointer
  • Press X and left click for ring that lasts for 3 seconds
  • Press X and hold left click for Arrow
  • Press X and right click (as GM) to move screen focus


Potato Or Not - V11 BROKEN

--- TWEAKS ---

Window height minimum:


            min-height: 300px;


Family friendly name:


      "PotatoOrNot.BadTitle": "Cheap Potato",


Lower Performance:

scripts/main.js (change first instance from 20 to 10)

                                "core": {
                                        "maxFPS": 10,


Prettier Login Screen


Requires manual install of the CSS or Module

CSS option:

Module option: (requires manual install as the

Module option Installation:

cd foundryvtt-data/Data
mkdir modules-installers
cd modules-installers
wget -O
# unzip -d ../modules/
mv Foundry-VTT-Prettier-Login-Screen-0.1.8 ../modules/prettier-login

Edit modules/prettier-login/module.json: (disable manifest/download as the github download isn't there)

        "_manifest" : "",
        "_download" : ""

Then on Setup screen, go to Configuration tab. Find "Default Language". Set defalt lanuage as "Latine - Prettier Login Screen".

Roll of Fate

Randomly choose one of the selected tokens

Modifications: (Roll of Fate Customizer) - trim down some of the items

Title List:

Roll of Fate
Fate has been Decided
Judgement Day
You are the One

Suffix List: are the lucky one are chosen


Shared Vision

Shared Vision is a module that provides an easy way to share vision between multiple tokens. By default, you can do this in Foundry by giving every player observer permissions, but in that case tokens will only share vision if the player has no tokens selected.

An actor can be configured to always share its vision with specific players, it can also be configured to share its location with specific players (the token icon will be drawn over unexplored areas), or share its fog exploration with specific players.

I Use specifically allow other other players to see location of other player tokens (not vision)



Use module directly:

Not sure why it is not searchable?


manual install:

cd modules
mkdir simplefog
cd simplefog
unzip ../

Also need to fix z-index [6]

  • Simplefog settings (Game Settings -> Configure Settings -> Simplefog) and change the value for Simplefog Z-index to 99 (below the tokens layer of 100)

Simplefog A module for FoundryVTT that lets you draw fog of war manually.

Show Art

This module adds a button to the token or tile HUD that opens the target actor's artwork, or their token artwork on right-click. Hold the shift key to automatically show to everyone.


Show Notes

  • Shows journal notes on a map that players have permission to see. Essentially clicks the purple button on the notes tool for your players


Hooks.on('setup', () => game.settings.set('core', 'notesDisplayToggle', true));

Status Icon Counters

Status Icon Counters allows setting and displaying a counter on any token's status effects.

The number key rebind behaves as follows:

  • Pressing any number key while hovering an effect sets the stack count to that number. If it wasn't active before, it is added.
  • Pressing 0 removes the effect.

FIXED - Broken in V10 -


Tidy UI

A module to make the game settings menu a bit more comfortale to use. A stand alone module from the upcoming Tidy UI suite module.

Simple Import /Export function to export your active module list.


Times Up

Times up is a temporary solution to support active effects expiring.

It depends on no other modules and is system agnostic. It should just work. It will certainly be deprecated in the future when core supports Active Effect expiry and certainly has bugs. Should work with any module that creates active effects on the actor, not limited to DAE.

Token Auras

A FoundryVTT module for configuring token auras. Auras are visual only, but should work in any system and can be used as a basis to build more advanced features on top of. The module adds configuration options for up to two auras to the token configuration dialog, and additional auras can be added programmatically, with no limit.

Token Lean

Want to look around corners without moving your token? Stack up on a door and peek around? Just lean! While holding down the lean button (default q), your token's vision and light source are moved towards your mouse. The maximum distance you can lean is configurable by the gm.


Token Mold

Token Mold - Randomize hp, names, auto size NPC tokens

Adds options to customize the token creation workflow, as well as auras and a quick attribute checker when hovering over a token.



Adds a HUD button to toggle light of a specific radius. For the dnd5e system, will also deduct torches from inventory when turned on if the Actor does not know the Light or Dancing Lights cantrips. For Dancing Lights, creates four Dancing Light tokens for the player... can only delete them as long as there is a GM connected.


User Latency

A very tiny module that displays players' latency next to their name.

NOTE: Renamed form Ping Logger


XP Calculator - Direct Install

Install directly -

Simple module to calcuate XP for a combant encounter (total XP for hostile Actors divided by total number of Friendly Actors). Simply displays the calculation at the bottom of the Combat Tracker.


XP: 11800 (2) / 2 = 5900 (2950)
totalXP (enemies) / allies = totalXP/allies (totalXP/allies/2)
cc.before("XP: " + totalXP + " (" + enemies + ") / " + allies + " = " + Math.floor(totalXP / allies) + " (" + Math.floor(totalXP / allies / 2) + ")");

Note: not sure why the (totalXP/allies/2) is useful?


Z Scatter

Automatically force snap tokens in the same square, for better token management in the grid.



Let Me Roll That For You - DEPENDENCY


lib - Color Settings - DEPENDENCY

Library: Scene Packer - DEPENDENCY

A library to help content creators package up Scenes and Adventures to solve several frustrations when importing Scenes from a module compendium. With Scene Packer the following works:

Scene Journal Pins link to the correct Journal.

  • This is the feature that started this module. I was frustrated that I could put a Scene into a compendium with journal pins and then when I imported from a compendium, the journal pin was there, but didn't load anything. This module gives you portable compendium journal pins that link to the original journal entry. The journal links will persist when importing from compendiums.
  • Actor tokens on a Scene link to the correct Actor.
  • The second frustration that prompted this module. Normally you would import a Scene with Actor tokens on it and they look correct, but don't open anything. So you would have to go through and link them all up again manually. This module gives you portable compendium actor tokens on a scene that link to the original actor data automatically.
  • Journals configured for the Scene link correctly.
  • No longer will the Journal dropdown on the Scene configuration screen be empty when importing from a compendium.
  • Playlists configured for the Scene link correctly.
  • No longer will the Playlist dropdown on the Scene configuration screen be empty when importing from a compendium.
  • Imported Journals link correctly to other Journal entries.
  • By using the automatic link fixer, you won't have broken links due to Journals referencing World entities, rather than compendium entities.
  • Quick Encounters work, creating working journal pins that you can double-click on and actors that are linked correctly.
  • You can provide a list of Journals and/or Macros that you want to ensure are imported to the world.

libWrapper - DEPENDENCY


For Beneos Battlemap

socketlib - DEPENDENCY

Broken V10 Modules

Drag Upload

Broken in FoundryVTT v10 -

Drag Upload (get over here!) drag files into foundry to create tokens, tiles, journals, etc

Adds the ability to drag files onto the Foundry canvas to automatically create Tokens, Tiles, Journal Pins, and Ambient Audio

Dungeon Draw

Broken in V10 -

A dungeon-drawing module for Foundry VTT. Now you can draw your dungeon on the fly, without ever leaving Foundry. Or, designate a player as the mapper and let them make the map from your TotM descriptions.

Token Magic FX

Broken in V10 -

Other Modules


Here are ones that are a bit more complicated but worth a look:

  • Let me Roll that for you! - prompt players to roll checks
  • Multilevel tokens - teleport tokens to other scenes or parts of the map (like for stairs) automatically.

Advanced Macros (advanced-macros)
Initiative Double Click (initaitve-double-click)
DFreds Droppables (dfreds-droppables)
Split Journal (split-journal)


Testing... Module to popup combat tracker...

Advantage Reminder for dnd5e

Want to use active effects to give your barbarian advantage on strength ability checks and saving throws when Raging? Don't want to install Midi QOL to do it? Then this module might be for you.


Creates a tabbed modular grid that GMs can populate with journal entries, rollable tables, actors, and items. Customize your "GM Screen" by dragging and dropping items into cells and have its information available at any time from a button on the bottom right of the UI, near the sidebar. Roll rollable tables, open linked entities, and even place actor sheets into these cells. Obviously the space constraints mean some sheets will work better than others.

Additionally, any screen you create as GM can be set to be shared with players, so you can provide them with a cheat sheet that is always readily available to them. Be sure you set the permissions correctly on the entities themselves before trying to share them with players on a screen!

Reward Experience - OBSOLETE


Reward Experience is a simple, no configuration, lightweigth module to automatically reward players with experience point at the end of combats.

Experience points are distributed equally to all partipating players like DnD5e rules suggests. While not tested, it should also work with any system as long as distribution method is good enough for you.

Show Art

This module adds a button to the token or tile HUD that opens the target actor's artwork, or their token artwork on right-click. Hold the shift key to automatically show to everyone.

Target Recall - OBSOLETE


A small module that captures a token's targets at turn end and recalls them on the token's next turn. Particularly useful for GMs running combats with multiple NPCs. The controller can also scroll through the token's combat target history using keys.

Smart Target - OBSOLETE


Tidy UI - Game Settings


Tired of scrolling through endless Modules or Module Settings to find the one checkbox to change?

Confused by the Layout of checkboxes, buttons and input fields and element spacings?

Now you can experience a cleaner, more readable layout of the module manager and settings tabs.

D&D Beyond Gamelog

Display your D&D Beyond rolls in Foundry VTT with ease!

Less Fog

Minimize Button

A small module that adds a minimize button to the top of windows, instead of having to use the hidden double-click title to minimize feature.

Deprecated Modules

Modules deprecated by other modules (not integrated)

Better Rolls for 5e


Better Rolls for 5e - module that replaces the built in rolling system for DnD5e.

Obsolete Modules

Some good modules that are now obsolete (integrated) - which is good!

Actually Private Rolls

OBSOLETED BY V10? - note: the private rolls are now hidden, but not chat messages

Actually Private Rolls - Hides GM Rolls

Award XP

OBSOLETED BY Monk's Token Bar

Easily award experience points to your players. This module allows you to give out experience points to the group. The XP will divided equally between the players and automatically added to the character sheets. A chat message will inform the players how much experience they received. Additionally, if a character gained enough experience to reach the next level this will be anounced in the chat.

The button to award experience to the players can be found at the bottom of the actors panel.

Beyond20 companion module - OBSOLETE


Beyond20 companion module - helps with beyond20 rolls

Beyond20 is a browser extension that seamlessly integrates D&D Beyond with Foundry VTT.

This module allows the Beyond20 rolls to display properly in the main FVTT window and for other players who do not have the Beyond20 browser extension installed.

Perfect Vision - OBSOLETE


Darkvision rules for Dungeons & Dragons 3.5e/5e, Pathfinder 1e/2e, and other systems, as well as other lighting/vision features and improvements.



Pings - allows pinging on the map

Adds the ability to ping on the map to highlight points of interest. Default is Left Click to ping, Shift + Left Click to move everyone's screen to your ping.

T is for Target


A simple module that allows players to target tokens without left clicking. This can speed things up a lot, especially for DMs utilizing combat automation. Hover over a token and press T to target it.

Broken Modules

These are modules that should work, but were broken in V10

Dead Modules

These are modules that are broken, and no longer maintained by the Author

Follow Me

Follow Me is a module for Foundry VTT that allows tokens to follow or be followed by other tokens.

Build Your Own Module

Content Packaging Guide | Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Special Content Available

AtroposToday at 1:28 PM
Special Content Available - Michael Ghelfi Audio Pack


Hello @everyone, I am thrilled to share that the first "Special Content Pack" for Foundry Virtual Tabletop is available with a wonderful module of environmental ambience and music provided by Michael Ghelfi

All Foundry Virtual Tabletop license owners may install this module (available in the Module browser) which provides 13 wonderful seamless looping environmental ambiences ranging from Desert to Medieval City and more, as well as 4 beautiful musical scores which can provide background music for your Scenes. By installing and activating the module you will have access to two compendium packs of audio content which you can import into your Worlds to use. I definitely encourage everyone to check out this module and use these wonderful audio assets in your Foundry games.

You can find this content pack and others (not yet, but soon) on the Foundry VTT website under the "Exclusive Content" section of the Systems and Modules menu: Thank you to Michael for making these wonderful audio assets available to Foundry Virtual Tabletop users!

If you like Michael's work, I encourage you to further support him by visiting his Bandcamp page,, where you can purchase hundreds of additional songs and ambiences using a special promotion code which is available inside the Foundry VTT application once you install the Module.

Running under Linux

Install NodeJS [7]

#curl -sL | sudo bash -
#apt install nodejs
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ make
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs


Show Journal

game.journal.getName("Name of Journal Entry").sheet.render(true)

ref: [8]

Doesn't work?:


ref [9]


My version:

a = game.journal.getName("Room1");

There is a delay issue where it doesn't work on the first hit though? Maybe needs a callback first?

Show Actor Sheet


Opens Character sheet for current token or controlled actor:


ref: [10]


Exported Certain Roll20 Campaigns Causes Javascript Error - Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: string.toLocaleLowerCase is not a function · Issue #84 · kakaroto/R20Converter

Migrate Module Packs

const moduleId = "curse-of-strahd";

const packs = game.packs.contents.filter(c => c.collection.startsWith(`${moduleId}.`));
for (const pack of packs) {
  await pack.configure({locked: false});
  await pack.migrate();
  await pack.configure({locked: true});

Migrate all modules packs?

const packs = game.packs.contents.filter(c => c.collection.startsWith(``));
for (const pack of packs) {
  await pack.configure({locked: false});
  await pack.migrate();
  await pack.configure({locked: true});

Active Effects

To get the icon to appear on your Avatar select "Force display on token: true"

To have effect occur when equipped, select "Transfer to actor on item equip"


duration: 60 seconds
system.traits.dr.value - Custom - Bludgeoning    # system Traits Damage Resistance (*)
system.traits.dr.value - Custom - Piercing    # system Traits Damage Resistance (*)
system.traits.dr.value - Custom - Slashing    # system Traits Damage Resistance (*)
system.bonuses.mwak.damage - Add - 2    # system Bonuses Melee Weapon Damage

Advantage on Initiative

Used for Feral Instinct

flags.dnd5e.initiativeAdv - Custom - true    # Flags Advantage on Initaitve

Armor Boost

Used by Infused Effects (on shield and armor) - add - +1    # system Attributes Armor class (Deprecated)

Mage Armor

Duration: 28800 seconds (8 hours) - Override - Mage Armor    # system Attributes Armor Class calc


Just name the effect "Poisoned" and it will do the needful




ref: [11]


When you take the Dodge action, you focus entirely on avoiding attacks. Until the start of your next turn, any attack roll made against you has disadvantage if you can see the attacker, and you make Dexterity saving throws with advantage. You lose this benefit if you are incapacitated or if your speed drops to 0.


Target: Self
Range: Self
Duration: 1 Round


flags.midi-qol.grants.disadvantage.attack.all - custom - 1 - custom 1
macro.tokenMagic - custom - Evade Stance

Simple World-Building World


@health.value  # or min and max
@power.value  # or min and max

If you have a attribute key group:


For testing in JavaScript Console:


GM Notes is about the only good option.

GM Notes -

Inline secrets looked like a good option, but it is too easy for players to reveal

Inline Secrets -

  • has issues, too easy for players to reveal!

Show Secrets -

  • GM can show built in "secret blocks" to players in chat, when needed - useful

Discussion -

GM Secret Block -


Edit details and at the bottom add this:

<pre style="display:none">.

pre formatted secret


It will add a &tlcode> inside the pre, but that doesn't break anything.

Notes About Players

