Linux/tftp-hpa: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 17:54, 21 May 2021


Get the client for testing:

apt install tftp

Get xinetd wrapper

apt install xinetd
git clone
cd tftp-hpa
# ./configure
./configure --prefix=/opt/tftp-hpa
make install

mkdir /tftp


service tftp
        socket_type     = dgram
        protocol        = udp
        wait            = yes
        user            = root
        #group           = tftp
        port            = 69
        server          = /opt/tftp-hpa/sbin/in.tftpd
        server_args     = -vvv  --create  --user tftp  --secure /tftp  --map-file /etc/  --refuse blksize
        #server_args     = -vvv -s /tftp -m /etc/ -r blksize
        #server_args     = --verbose -u tftp -s /tftp -r blksize
        disable         = no
adduser tftp
tftp:x:1001:1001:TFTP User:/tftp:
chown tftp:tftp /tftp


# Convert backslashes to slashes
rg \\ /
service xinetd stop
service xinetd start

More Complete Map File

# Rule file for the -m (remapping option)
# This file has three fields: operation, regex, remapping
# The operation is a combination of the following letters:
# r - rewrite the matched string with the remapping pattern
# i - case-insensitive matching
# g - repeat until no match (used with "r")
# e - exit (with success) if we match this pattern, do not process
#     subsequent rules
# s - start over from the first rule if we match this pattern
# a - abort (refuse the request) if we match this rule
# G - this rule applies to TFTP GET requests only
# P - this rule applies to TFTP PUT requests only
# The regex is a regular expression in the style of egrep(1).
# The remapping is a pattern, all characters are verbatim except \
# \0 copies the full string that matched the regex
# \1..\9 copies the 9 first (..) expressions in the regex
# \\ is an escaped \
# See for more info.
# "#" begins a comment, unless \-escaped
ri    ^[a-z]:            # Remove "drive letters"
rg    \\        /        # Convert backslashes to slashes
rg    ([A-Z])   \L\1     # Convert uppercase to lowercase
rg    \#        @        # Convert hash marks to @ signs
rg    /../      / # Convert /../ to /
e    ^ok/                # These are always ok
r    ^[^/]      /\0      # Convert non-absolute files
a    \.pvt$              # Reject requests for private files



tftp tftpd tftp-hpa