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Text Formatting

bold italics underline strikethrough

**bolded text**
*italicized text*
_italicized text_
***bold italicized text***
__underlined text__
~~crossed out strikethrough~~
__*underlined and italicized text*__
__**underlined and bolded text**__
__***underlined, italicized, and bolded text***__

code block

`This is an example of a single line code block`
```Experimenting with ...
... Multiple lines ...
... For my code blocks!```



# Heading Level 1
## Heading Level 2



\_\_\*\*\*I want this to be shown in its full glory!\*\*\*\_\_\_
\**starred message with no underscores!**

Masked Links

[This is Google](https://google.com/)


You can create a bulleted list using either (-) or (*) in the beginning of each line. You can also indent your list by adding a space before (-) or (*) at the beginning of each line.

- list of stuff
- and things
* and more things
  - sub list

Block Quotes

> this is a block quote
>>> multiple lines of
block quotes

jenkins code syntax highlighting

Color: (using syntax highlighting

Some text goes here...

Red is easy:

- Here's some red colored text!


[RED Colored Text in CSS Highlighting]


Everything is yellow in fix --
No matter the line! 

Yellow (no spaces):



+ Here's some green colored text!

Light green:

"Here's some nice LIGHT GREEN colored text"

Dark green:

"Here's some nice, dark green text"
"Green colored text in JSON"


[Here's some blue highlighted text]

Dark Blue:




Discord Text Formatting Guide: Colors, Bold, Italics, Strikethrough
Markdown Text 101 (Chat Formatting: Bold, Italic, Underline) – Discord

Groovy Bot



Replaced with Ukulele

See Discord/Ukulele

Promote Admin

1. Open Discord on your Mac or PC and navigate to the server you own that you want to make someone an administrator in.

2. Click the server's name at the top left of the screen and select "Server Settings" from the menu that appears.

3. Select "Roles" from the list of options on the left.

4. At the top-left, click the tiny plus icon next to "Roles" to create a new role. The new role will be called, fittingly, "New Role."

5. Under the "Role Name" heading, you can rename this role. Rename it "Admin," or some other title that will let people know what it's for. Roles will be visible to other users by clicking the name of the person with the role, so pick a good title.

6. You may want to check off the "Display role members separately from online members" option. This will make it so users with this role are displayed above all other users in the users list.

7. Under "General Permissions," check the "Administrator" option, then click "Save changes" at the very bottom.

8. To give this newly created role to a user, right-click their username in your server and select "Roles" from the drop-down menu. Then check off the box next to your new role.


Ref: [1]


See FredBoat
