ESXi SSH Command Line
ESXi 4 Console - Secret Commands for Emergency Maintenance
The command 'vim-cmd' has several extensions:
vim-cmd help
Get VIM by Name
VMID=`vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep "[NAME]" | awk '{print $1'}` VMID=`vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep "[0-9]*[ ]*MY_VM_NAME" | awk '{print $1'}` # more exact
Revert a set of VMs
if true ; then VMLIST="vum51a vum-esxi51 vum-esxi50 vum-esxi41 vum-esx41" for VM in $VMLIST ; do VMID=`vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep "[0-9]*[ ]*${VM}" | awk '{print $1'}` echo "Powering off $VM..." vim-cmd vmsvc/ $VMID SNAPID=`vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.get $VMID | grep "Snapshot Id" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $4}` echo "Reverting $VM snapshot $SNAPID..." vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.revert $VMID $SNAPID false done for VM in $VMLIST ; do VMID=`vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep "[0-9]*[ ]*${VM}" | awk '{print $1'}` echo "Powering on $VM..." vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on $VMID done fi
VM Power management
To see a full list of all the commands available just type vim-cmd vmsvc without any extension
vim-cmd vmsvc
To show VM power state: (Get Vmid from getallvms)
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate [vmid] Retrieved runtime info Powered off Powered on Suspended
Save VMIDs to file:
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms > vmid.txt
Show running state of all VMs: (very slow)
for i in $( vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep -v "^Vmid" | awk '{print $1}' ) ; do echo -en "\n$i: " ; vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate $i ; done
# better output vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms > vmid.txt for i in $( cat vmid.txt | grep -v "^Vmid" | awk '{print $1 "-" $2}' ) ; do vmid=$(echo $i | cut -f 1 -d '-') ; vmname=$(echo $i | cut -f 2- -d '-') ; echo -en "\n$vmid ($vmname): " ; vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate $vmid | grep -v "Retrieved" ; done
Power on / off all VMs:
for i in $( vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep -v "^Vmid" | awk '{print $1}' ) ; do echo -en "\n$i: " ; vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on $i ; done for i in $( vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep -v "^Vmid" | awk '{print $1}' ) ; do echo -en "\n$i: " ; vim-cmd vmsvc/ $i ; done
Power Manage VM Level: (forced)
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on [vmid] vim-cmd vmsvc/ [vmid] vim-cmd vmsvc/power.reset [vmid] vim-cmd vmsvc/power.suspend [vmid]
Power Manage Guest OS Level:
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.shutdown [vmid] vim-cmd vmsvc/power.reboot [vmid] vim-cmd vmsvc/power.hibernate [vmid]
power.on: Powering on VM: Powering off VM: power.reset: Reset VM: power.suspend: Suspending VM: power.shutdown, power.reboot, power.hibernate: do not output any response
- vmsvc/power.getstate - Retrieves the power state of the specified virtual machine.
- vmsvc/power.hibernate - Cause guest to go into standby/hibernate and suspend.
- vmsvc/ - Power off the specified virtual machine.
- vmsvc/power.on - Power on the specified virtual machine.
- vmsvc/power.reboot - Reboot the guest OS if tools is running.
- vmsvc/power.reset - Reset the specified virtual machine.
- vmsvc/power.shutdown - Shutdown the guest OS
- vmsvc/power.suspend - Suspend the specified virtual machine.
Guest State
Show running VMs with Guest Tools state and count
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms > vmid.txt ; \ COUNT=0 ; \ FAILCOUNT=0 ; \ echo ; \ for i in $( cat vmid.txt | grep -v "^Vmid" | awk '{print $1 "-" $2}' ) ; do vmid=$(echo $i | cut -f 1 -d '-') ; vmname=$(echo $i | cut -f 2- -d '-') ; echo -n "$vmid ($vmname): " ; COUNT=$(( $COUNT + 1)) vim-cmd vmsvc/get.summary $vmid | grep "toolsOk" > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "OK" ; else echo "FAIL" ; FAILCOUNT=$(( $FAILCOUNT + 1 )) ; fi done ; OKCOUNT=$(( $COUNT - $FAILCOUNT )) ; echo ; echo "$COUNT VM: $OKCOUNT ok, $FAILCOUNT failed"
Show running VMs with Guest Tools state and count (ignore powered off VMs)
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms > vmid.txt ; \ COUNT=0 ; \ FAILCOUNT=0 ; \ echo ; \ for i in $( cat vmid.txt | grep -v "^Vmid" | awk '{print $1 "-" $2}' ) ; do vmid=$(echo $i | cut -f 1 -d '-') ; vmname=$(echo $i | cut -f 2- -d '-') ; echo -n "$vmid ($vmname): " ; vim-cmd vmsvc/get.summary $vmid | grep 'powerState = "poweredOn"' > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then COUNT=$(( $COUNT + 1)) vim-cmd vmsvc/get.summary $vmid | grep "guestToolsRunning" > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "OK" ; else echo "FAIL" ; FAILCOUNT=$(( $FAILCOUNT + 1 )) ; fi else echo "OFF" fi done ; OKCOUNT=$(( $COUNT - $FAILCOUNT )) ; echo ; echo "$COUNT VM: $OKCOUNT ok, $FAILCOUNT failed"
Get vmid's:
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
Get VM summary:
vim-cmd vmsvc/get.summary [VMID]
Power states:
powerState = "poweredOn", powerState = "poweredOff", powerState = "suspended",
Question states:
question = (vim.vm.QuestionInfo) null,
Guest IP Address
NOTE: This only works if the Guest Tools are installed and running
vim-cmd vmsvc/get.summary [vmId] | grep ipAddress
Guest Tools Status
Guest Tools OK:
guest = (vim.vm.Summary.GuestSummary) { dynamicType = <unset>, guestId = "windows7Guest", guestFullName = "Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit)", toolsStatus = "toolsOk", toolsVersionStatus = "guestToolsCurrent", toolsVersionStatus2 = "guestToolsCurrent", toolsRunningStatus = "guestToolsRunning", hostName = "golden", ipAddress = "", },
No Guest Tools:
guest = (vim.vm.Summary.GuestSummary) { dynamicType = <unset>, guestId = <unset>, guestFullName = <unset>, toolsStatus = "toolsNotInstalled", toolsVersionStatus = "guestToolsNotInstalled", toolsRunningStatus = "guestToolsNotRunning", hostName = <unset>, ipAddress = <unset>, },
Guest Tools stopped:
guest = (vim.vm.Summary.GuestSummary) { dynamicType = <unset>, guestId = <unset>, guestFullName = <unset>, toolsStatus = "toolsNotRunning", toolsVersionStatus = "guestToolsCurrent", toolsVersionStatus2 = "guestToolsCurrent", toolsRunningStatus = "guestToolsNotRunning", hostName = <unset>, ipAddress = <unset>, },
Outdated Guest Tools on running system:
guest = (vim.vm.Summary.GuestSummary) { dynamicType = <unset>, guestId = "rhel6_64Guest", guestFullName = "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)", toolsStatus = "toolsOld", toolsVersionStatus = "guestToolsNeedUpgrade", toolsVersionStatus2 = "guestToolsSupportedOld", toolsRunningStatus = "guestToolsRunning", hostName = "golden", ipAddress = "", },
Guest Tools outdated on powered off system:
guest = (vim.vm.Summary.GuestSummary) { dynamicType = <unset>, guestId = <unset>, guestFullName = <unset>, toolsStatus = "toolsNotRunning", toolsVersionStatus = "guestToolsNeedUpgrade", toolsVersionStatus2 = "guestToolsSupportedOld", toolsRunningStatus = "guestToolsNotRunning", hostName = <unset>, ipAddress = <unset>, },
VM Answer
Power On will freeze if there is a question waiting for the user. In a separate thread run the following to answer:
Usage: message vmid [messageId] [messageChoice] Replies to the current pending question on the vm.
To List questions waiting on user:
vim-cmd vmsvc/message [vmid]
To answer question: (0 being the top question)
Example: vim-cmd vmsvc/message [vmid] 0 1 # answer 'I moved it' to moving question top question
In order to configure certain management and networking features, VMware ESX needs to know if this virtual machine was moved or copied. If you don't know, answer "I copied it". 0. Cancel (Cancel) 1. I moved it (I moved it) 2. I copied it (I copied it) [default]
An alternative:
- VMware KB: Powering on a virtual machine pauses at 95% while waiting for a question to be answered -
VM Registration
List all VMs:
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
Unregister a VM:
vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister [VMID]
Unregister and remove VM files:
vim-cmd vmsvc/destroy [VMID]
Reload VM config from file:
vim-cmd vmsvc/reload [VMID]
Register a VM:
vim-cmd solo/registervm [VMX_PATH] [NAME(optional)]
Remove all VMs:
VM_LIST=$(vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms 2>&1 | grep -v Vmid | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v '[a-xA-Z]') for VM in $VM_LIST ; do echo "Removing: $VM" ; vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister $VM ; done
List and remove all invalid VMs: (aka corrupted broken skipped skipping illegal)
# Skipping invalid VM '928' vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms 2>&1 | grep -i Skipping INVALID_LIST=$(vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms 2>&1| grep -i Skipping | cut -f 2 -d "'") for VM in $INVALID_LIST ; do echo "Removing: $VM" ; vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister $VM ; done
To rename a VM:
- Find VMID (vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms)
- Unregister VM (vim-cmd vmsvc/unregister VMID)
- Modify VMX displayName
- Register modified (vim-cmd solo/registervm VMXPATH)
Alternate method to rename a VM:
- Find VMID (vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms)
- Powerdown VM (vim-cmd vmsvc/ VMID)
- Modify VMX displayName
- Reload VM config (vim-cmd vmsvc/reload VMID)
Using vim-cmd to remove VMs from an ESXi host connected to a vCenter Server will result in orphaned VMs:
- VMware KB: Virtual machines appear as invalid or orphaned in vCenter Server -
Maintenance Mode
Enter maintenance mode:
vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter
Exit maintenance mode:
vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_exit
Check status:
vim-cmd hostsvc/hostsummary | grep -i maintenancemode inMaintenanceMode = true, inMaintenanceMode = false,
Network: (too much info)
vim-cmd hostsvc/net/config vim-cmd hostsvc/net/route_info vim-cmd hostsvc/net/vnic_info vim-cmd hostsvc/net/vswitch_info
List HBAs:
vim-cmd hostsvc/summary/hba
List LUNs:
vim-cmd hostsvc/summary/scsilun
List file systems:
vim-cmd hostsvc/summary/fsvolume
List datastores:
vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/listsummary
Remove datastore:
vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/remove
List VMs on datastore:
vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/listvm [datastore]
vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/listvm [datastore]
Usage: listvm name Retrieve the virtual machines stored on the datastore.
vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/destroy [datastore]
Usage: destroy name Destroy a datastore.
vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/remove [datastore]
Usage: remove name Remove a datastore.
vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/rename
Usage: rename name newname Rename a datastore.
vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/localds_create
Usage: localds_create name localPath Add a local datastore.
vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/vmfs_create
Usage: vmfs_create [OPTIONS] name devId volumeName blockSizeMb majorVersion head Add a VMFS datastore. Example: (fdisk drive with vmfs type 'fb') Exmaple: vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/vmfs_create --typeid=vmfs fio0 /vmfs/devices/disks/mpx.vmhba1:C0:T0:L0:1 ffio0 4M 3 255 Example: haven't gotten this to work, use 'vmkfstools -C vmfs3 -b 4M [FILE] -G [LABEL]'
vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.create Usage: snapshot.create vmid [snapshotName] [snapshotDescription] [includeMemory] [quiesced] Creates a snapshot for the vm. Example: vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.create [vmid] mysnapshot mysnapshot true
vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.dumpoption Usage: snapshot.dumpoption showconfig Set the snapshot dump option.
vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.get Usage: snapshot.get vmid gets the snapshot info for the vm. Example: vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.get [vmid]
vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.remove Usage: snapshot.remove vmid [removeChildren] [snapshotLevel] [snapshotIndex] Remove a snapshot on the vm.
vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.removeall Usage: snapshot.removeall vmid Removes all the snapshots on the vm.
vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.revert Usage: snapshot.revert vmid suppressPowerOff [snapshotLevel] [snapshotIndex] Revert to a snapshot on the vm. Example: vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.revert [vmid] suppressPowerOff mysnapshot Example: vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.revert 144 0 0
vim-cmd vmsvc/snapshot.setoption Usage: snapshot.setoption [OPTIONS] vmid Config snapshot behavior on the vm. Options: --locked=bool Whether to lock the snapshot --disabled=bool whether to disable snapshot --action=string The snapshot power-off behavior
ESX Host
System Make
System Make: (see also esxcfg-info)
vim-cmd hostsvc/hostsummary | grep -B 1 model vendor = "Dell Inc.", model = "PowerEdge R710",
System Memory
Memory capacity of server:
vim-cmd hostsvc/hostsummary | grep -i memorySize memorySize = 6431686656, vim-cmd hostsvc/hosthardware | grep -i memorySize memorySize = 6431686656,
# in MB echo $(( $(vim-cmd hostsvc/hostsummary | grep -i memorySize | awk '{print $3}' | cut -f 1 -d ,) / 1024 / 1024 ))
System CPU
vim-cmd hostsvc/hostsummary | grep -i cpu cpuModel = "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5650 @ 2.67GHz", cpuMhz = 2665, numCpuPkgs = 2, numCpuCores = 12, numCpuThreads = 24, ...
Note, this would equate to VI Client's equivalent:
- Processor Sockets: 2 (numCpuPkgs)
- Cores per Socket: 6 (numCpuCores / numCpuPkgs)
- Logical Processors: 24 (numCpuThreads)
- Hyperthreading: Active
General Interesting Points
Interesting points from hostsvc/hostsummary:
vendor = "HP", model = "ProLiant DL380 G7", memorySize = 51525926912, cpuModel = "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5640 @ 2.27GHz", cpuMhz = 2260, numCpuPkgs = 2, numCpuCores = 12, numCpuThreads = 24, numNics = 4, name = "", fullName = "VMware ESXi 4.1.0 build-502767",
IP Address
IP Address: [1]
vim-cmd hostsvc/net/consolevnic_info | grep ipAddress # ESX ONLY ipAddress = "",
vim-cmd hostsvc/net/config | grep ipAddress vim-cmd hostsvc/net/info | grep ipAddress ipAddress = "", ipAddress = "", ipAddress = "",
vim-cmd vmsvc/get.guest vmid |grep -m 1 "ipAddress = \""
vim-cmd hostsvc/net/route_info | grep defaultGateway | head -n 1 defaultGateway = "",
The best way is to: (ESX/ESXi)
esxcfg-vmknic -l | grep vmk0 vmk0 VMkernel IPv4
esxcfg-vmknic -l | grep vmk0 | cut -d '4' -f 2- | awk '{print $1}'
# vim-cmd hostsvc/hosthardware biosInfo = ( { dynamicType = <unset>, biosVersion = "-[G0E173VUS-1.73]-", releaseDate = "2012-01-20T00:00:00Z", },
Example of expired license
# vim-cmd vimsvc/license --show [200] Sending request for installed licenses...[200] Complete, result is: serial: 00000-00000-00000-00000-00000 vmodl key: eval name: Evaluation Mode total: 0 used: 0 unit: host Properties: [ProductName] = VMware ESX Server [ProductVersion] = 5.0 [expirationHours] = 0 [expirationMinutes] = 0 [diagnostic] = Evaluation period has expired, please install license. [feature] = vsmp:32 ("Up to 32-way virtual SMP") ... [200] End of report.
Example of "Free" non-automatable license:
Check for license failure:
vim-cmd vimsvc/license --show | grep '\[diagnostic\]'
Assign license
# esx(i) 4.x vim-cmd vimsvc/license --set "Q4426-2L3EK-J8A31-01124-99P31" # esxi 5.x vim-cmd vimsvc/license --set "0J43N-08250-H804T-0K0HM-093N1"
vim-cmd hostsvc/hostsummary | grep bootTime
ESXi 4.x, 5.x:
bootTime = "2012-09-28T17:41:13.254294Z",
ESX 4.x:
bootTime = "2012-09-28T11:30:51.677015-06:00",
To convert to seconds epoch, you need to do a little massaging: (drop after ., change T to ' ')
# 2012-09-28 17:41:13 date -d "$date" +"%s"
Add VMDK to VM:
vim-cmd vmsvc/device.diskaddexisting [VMID] /vmfs/volumes/benchmark/benchmark.vmdk 1 1
vim-cmd extensions
help - help hbrsvc/ - Replication Services - nothing of use hostsvc/ - Host Services internalsvc/ - Internal Services - nothing of use proxysvc/ - Proxy Services - nothing of use solo/ - Local ESX Services vimsvc/ - VI Services vmsvc/ - VM Services
Get help for a command:
vim-cmd help vimsvc/license
hbrsvc - Replication Services
WARNING: Nothing of use here!
Commands available under hbrsvc/: vmreplica.abort vmreplica.pause vmreplica.create vmreplica.queryReplicationState vmreplica.disable vmreplica.reconfig vmreplica.diskDisable vmreplica.resume vmreplica.diskEnable vmreplica.startOfflineInstance vmreplica.enable vmreplica.stopOfflineInstance vmreplica.getConfig vmreplica.sync vmreplica.getState
hostsvc - Host Services
Commands available under hostsvc/: advopt/ enable_ssh refresh_services autostartmanager/ firewall_disable_ruleset reset_service datastore/ firewall_enable_ruleset runtimeinfo datastorebrowser/ get_service_status set_hostid firmware/ hostconfig standby_mode_enter net/ hosthardware standby_mode_exit rsrc/ hostsummary start_esx_shell storage/ login start_service summary/ logout start_ssh vmotion/ maintenance_mode_enter stop_esx_shell connect maintenance_mode_exit stop_service cpuinfo pci_add stop_ssh disable_esx_shell pci_remove task_list disable_ssh queryconnectioninfo updateSSLThumbprintsInfo disconnect querydisabledmethods enable_esx_shell refresh_firewall
internalsvc - Internal Services
WARNING: Nothing of use here!
Commands available under internalsvc/: perfcount/ host_mode_lock refresh set_log_level vprobes/ login refresh_consolenic shutdown access_address loglist refresh_datastores throw_exception cold_quit logout refresh_gateway use_fds connect redirect_stderr refresh_network disconnect redirect_stdout refresh_pnic === proxysvc - Proxy Services === WARNING: Nothing of use here! <pre> Commands available under proxysvc/: add_np_service disconnect port_info add_tcp_service login remove_service connect logout service_list
solo - Local Services
Commands available under solo/: connect environment logout querycfgoptdesc disconnect login querycfgopt registervm
Register a VM:
# vim-cmd solo/registervm [cfg path] [name(optional)] [resourcepool(optional)]
vimsvc - VI Services
Commands available under vimsvc/: auth/ license property_dump task_info connect login task_cancel task_list disconnect logout task_description
Commands available under vimsvc/auth/: entity_permission_add lockdown_mode_enter role_permissions entity_permission_remove lockdown_mode_exit role_remove entity_permissions permissions roles lockdown_is_enabled privileges lockdown_is_possible role_add
Show license Info:
vim-cmd vimsvc/license --show
Show license key:
vim-cmd vimsvc/license --show | grep serial: # example: serial: 0J43N-08250-H804T-0K0HM-093N1
Show if connected to vCenter Server: (not reliable, as a system removed from VC will still show this)
vim-cmd vimsvc/license --show | grep "\[sourceId\]" # example: [sourceId] = vc
Show if connected to vCenter Server: (more reliable, but only works on ESXi 4.x and ESXi 5.x)
# lockdown mode is only available if connected to a vcenter server vim-cmd vimsvc/auth/lockdown_is_possible # example: "true" or "false"
To check if Lockdown mode is enabled: [2]
vim-cmd -U dcui vimsvc/auth/lockdown_is_enabled # example: false
To disable Lockdown mode:
vim-cmd -U dcui vimsvc/auth/lockdown_mode_exit
To enable Lockdown mode:
vim-cmd -U dcui vimsvc/auth/lockdown_mode_enter
vmsvc - VM Services
Commands available under vmsvc/: acquiremksticket get.snapshotinfo acquireticket get.spaceNeededForConsolidation connect get.summary convert.toTemplate get.tasklist convert.toVm getallvms createdummyvm gethostconstraints destroy login device.connection logout device.connusbdev message device.disconnusbdev power.getstate device.diskadd power.hibernate device.diskaddexisting device.diskremove power.on device.getdevices power.reboot device.toolsSyncSet power.reset device.vmiadd power.shutdown device.vmiremove power.suspend devices.createnic power.suspendResume disconnect queryftcompat get.capability reload get.config setscreenres get.config.cpuidmask snapshot.create get.configoption snapshot.dumpoption get.datastores snapshot.get get.disabledmethods snapshot.remove get.environment snapshot.removeall get.filelayout snapshot.revert get.filelayoutex snapshot.setoption get.guest tools.cancelinstall get.guestheartbeatStatus tools.install get.managedentitystatus tools.upgrade get.networks unregister get.runtime upgrade
To show VMs:
vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms # 129 vum51 [ds-c210m2-01-fio1] vum51/vum51.vmx winNetStandard64Guest vmx-07
All Commands
help hostsvc/ internalsvc/ proxysvc/ solo/ vimsvc/ vmsvc/
hostsvc/advopt/options hostsvc/advopt/settings hostsvc/advopt/update hostsvc/advopt/view hostsvc/autostartmanager/autostart hostsvc/autostartmanager/autostop hostsvc/autostartmanager/enable_autostart hostsvc/autostartmanager/get_autostartseq hostsvc/autostartmanager/get_defaults hostsvc/autostartmanager/update_autostartentry hostsvc/autostartmanager/update_defaults hostsvc/datastore/capabilities hostsvc/datastore/destroy hostsvc/datastore/info hostsvc/datastore/listsummary hostsvc/datastore/listvm hostsvc/datastore/localds_create hostsvc/datastore/nas_create hostsvc/datastore/refresh hostsvc/datastore/remove hostsvc/datastore/rename hostsvc/datastore/summary hostsvc/datastore/vmfs_create hostsvc/datastore/vmfs_extend hostsvc/datastore/vmfs_queryAvailableDisks hostsvc/datastore/vmfs_query_create_options hostsvc/datastore/vmfs_query_extend_options hostsvc/datastorebrowser/deleteFile hostsvc/datastorebrowser/disksearch hostsvc/datastorebrowser/list hostsvc/datastorebrowser/search hostsvc/datastorebrowser/searchsubfolders hostsvc/firmware/backup_config hostsvc/firmware/reset_config hostsvc/firmware/restore_config hostsvc/firmware/sync_config hostsvc/net/mockup/clear hostsvc/net/mockup/pnic_add hostsvc/net/mockup/pnic_remove hostsvc/net/mockup/pnic_setactuallinkspeed hostsvc/net/provider/test_abort hostsvc/net/capabilities hostsvc/net/config hostsvc/net/config_append hostsvc/net/config_incremental_update hostsvc/net/config_load hostsvc/net/config_save hostsvc/net/console_route_set hostsvc/net/consolevnic_add hostsvc/net/consolevnic_info hostsvc/net/consolevnic_remove hostsvc/net/consolevnic_set hostsvc/net/consolevnic_setv6 hostsvc/net/dns_info hostsvc/net/dns_set hostsvc/net/dns_unset hostsvc/net/dvs_info hostsvc/net/info hostsvc/net/offload_capabilities hostsvc/net/pnic_info hostsvc/net/pnic_setip hostsvc/net/pnic_setlinkspeed hostsvc/net/portgroup_add hostsvc/net/portgroup_remove hostsvc/net/portgroup_set hostsvc/net/portgroup_unsetpolicy hostsvc/net/query_networkhint hostsvc/net/refresh hostsvc/net/route_info hostsvc/net/route_set hostsvc/net/set_v6stack hostsvc/net/toggle_raw hostsvc/net/vnic_add hostsvc/net/vnic_info hostsvc/net/vnic_remove hostsvc/net/vnic_set hostsvc/net/vnic_setv6 hostsvc/net/vswitch_add hostsvc/net/vswitch_info hostsvc/net/vswitch_pnicinfo hostsvc/net/vswitch_remove hostsvc/net/vswitch_setautobridge hostsvc/net/vswitch_setbondbridge hostsvc/net/vswitch_setnumports hostsvc/net/vswitch_setpolicy hostsvc/net/vswitch_setsimplebridge hostsvc/net/vswitch_unsetbridge hostsvc/rsrc/create hostsvc/rsrc/destroy hostsvc/rsrc/destroy_children hostsvc/rsrc/pool_config_get hostsvc/rsrc/pool_config_set hostsvc/rsrc/pool_runtime_get hostsvc/rsrc/pools_get hostsvc/rsrc/rename hostsvc/rsrc/vm_config_get hostsvc/rsrc/vm_config_set hostsvc/rsrc/vms_get hostsvc/storage/diagnostic/activate hostsvc/storage/diagnostic/create hostsvc/storage/diagnostic/deactivate hostsvc/storage/diagnostic/get_active hostsvc/storage/diagnostic/query_available hostsvc/storage/diagnostic/query_create_desc hostsvc/storage/diagnostic/query_create_option hostsvc/storage/mockup/clear hostsvc/storage/mockup/hostbusadapter_add hostsvc/storage/mockup/hostbusadapter_remove hostsvc/storage/mockup/multipath_path_activate hostsvc/storage/mockup/scsidisk_add hostsvc/storage/mockup/scsidisk_remove hostsvc/storage/mockup/scsilun_add hostsvc/storage/mockup/scsilun_remove hostsvc/storage/mockup/topology_add hostsvc/storage/mockup/topology_remove hostsvc/storage/provider/device_info hostsvc/storage/provider/enable_stack_trace hostsvc/storage/provider/fs_info hostsvc/storage/datastore_browser_search hostsvc/storage/fs_info hostsvc/storage/hba_info hostsvc/storage/hba_rescan hostsvc/storage/info hostsvc/storage/iscsi_add_send_target hostsvc/storage/iscsi_add_static_target hostsvc/storage/iscsi_disable_chap hostsvc/storage/iscsi_discovery hostsvc/storage/iscsi_enable_chap hostsvc/storage/iscsi_ip_config 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