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Sniping Software


esniper: a lightweight eBay sniping tool - http://esniper.sourceforge.net/

source: https://sourceforge.net/projects/esniper/files/latest/download?source=files

Latest Source: [1]

cd ~/.src
rm -rf esniper
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@a.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/esniper co -P esniper
cd esniper
make clean
sudo make install


# latest cvs
cd ~/.src
wget "http://esniper.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/esniper/?view=tar" -O esniper.tar.gz
tar -zvxf esniper.tar.gz
cd esniper/esniper
# OR
cd ~/.src
wget "https://sourceforge.net/projects/esniper/files/latest/download?source=files" -O "esniper-latest.gz"
tar -zvxf esniper-latest.gz
cd esniper-*
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/esniper
sudo make install

Config file: ~/.esniper

batch = false
bid = yes
logdir = ~/.esniperlogs
username = myebayusername
password = myebaypassword
quantity = 1
seconds = 10

Make log folder: (as esniper won't automatically)

 mkdir ~/.esniperlogs

Auction file: auction1.txt

quantity = 1
seconds = 10

371521210996 0.99
401048533693 3.20

Any line can be in either file.

Note, it is better to have 1 auction file per item you wish to bid on, as the quantity affects how many to win and then quit.


screen -S esniper
/opt/esniper/bin/esniper -d -n auction1.txt

if you want to just store your auction in your config file:

/opt/esniper/bin/esniper -d -n ~/.esniper


-d   # debug mode
-n   # don't actually bid

keywords: ebay snipe esnipe esniper sniping auction