OpenWest 2014/Go
Ken Thompson - Unix
Gopher - GopherCon 2014
Utah Go Users Group -
- Tues. May 13 @ 6:30pm
The Go Programming Language Specification - The Go Programming Language -
- C++ too complex
- compilation too slow
- programming to difficult
- easy over safety and efficiency
- Name "Go" is ungoogable / hastagable (use golang) *** MOST ANNOYING ***
Companies who use Go:
- PayPal
- Github
- MongoDB
- Canonical
- Mozilla
- Stack Overflow
- Puppet Labs
Twitter: #golang
Prediction: Will become dominant language for LaaS and PaaS in 24 months
Go is...
- Compiled
- Strongly typed
- Statically typed
- Garbage collected
- Similar to C syntax
- Capable of statically verified duck typing (via interfaces)
- Open Source
Hello World:
package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello World") }
Note: Semi colons are optional.
pakcage main import "fmt" func main() { var i, j int = 1, 2 k := 3 c, python, java := true, false, "no!" fmt.Println(i, j, k, c, python, java) }
When variables are first initialized, they are always set to their "zero" value. There isn't a null value?
// comments use C's syntax /* multi line comment */
package main import "fmt" func add(x int, y int) int { return x + y } func main() { fmt.Println(...?? }
- bool
- string
- int, int32, ...
- uint, uint8, ...
- byte
- rune alias for int32
- float32
- complex64
Type conversions - no implicit conversions (have to manually cast)
Looping - Go only has 'for'
for i := 0; i < MAX ; i++ { ... }
for ; sum < 1000; { sum += sum } for sum < 1000 { sum += sum }
if x < 0 { ... } else if x > 0 { ... } else { ... }
Don't fear Go pointers
type Coordinate struct { X int Y int Z int name string } func GCP() *Coordinate { return &Coordinate{1, 2, 3, "foo"} } func main() { var cp *Coorindate = getCCP() fmt.Println(cp) fmt.Printf("%T\n", cp) ... }
var pow = []int{1, 2, 3} func main() { for i, v := range pow { fmt.Printf("%d: %d\n", i, v) } }
for _, v := range pow { ... } // underscore is special
Access is marked public/private by the first letter of the member. Public is capital. Private is lowercase.
No assertions?
Structs in Go - instead of classes in Object Oriented Programming
type House struct { } func (h House) GetHouseName() string { } //method defined outside of struct, but works on House
Interfaces are super important in Go.
type noiser interface{ GetNoise() string } type Cow struct{} // empty structs type Fox struct{} func (f Fox) GetNoise() string { ... }