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Scouting Handbook for Church Units in the United States (May 2015) (Green Handbook) -

Handbook 2: Administering the Church (2010) (Red Handbook)

Capturing The Vision of Scouting -

LDS-BSA Relationships Boy Scouts of America -

SCOUTING & The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -

Handbooks - LDS-BSA Relationships -

Troop Website Policy

Members’ Use of the Internet in Church Callings

Members may not create websites, blogs, or social media profiles on behalf of the Church or to officially represent the Church and its views. However, they may create websites, blogs, or social media profiles to assist with their callings. When doing so, members must include a disclaimer such as “This is not an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” and comply with the following guidelines:

  1. Local priesthood leaders must first approve the creation of calling-related websites, blogs, or social media profiles.
  2. The Church logo may not be used or imitated.
  3. The name and contact information of the member who is responsible for the website, blog, or social media profile should be posted publicly.
  4. Members should not state or imply that their online resource’s content, images, or other materials are sponsored or endorsed by the Church or officially represent the Church in any way.
  5. Church-owned artwork, videos, music, and other materials should not be posted unless such use is clearly authorized by the “Rights and Use Information” page of an official Church website or by the Church’s Intellectual Property Office.
  6. Photographs of other individuals or personal information should not be displayed without consent.
  7. Social media properties must be properly maintained and actively moderated to ensure that any inappropriate content is promptly removed.
  8. The website, blog, or social media profile should not be the name of a Church unit. For example, “First Ward News” or “Friends of the First Ward” is acceptable, while “First Ward” is not.

Source: 21.1.22 Selected Church Policies and Guidelines -

Please see for additional examples and clarification.