Scouting/Scoutmaster Training
Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training
Law of Priority
First things first
also: activity is not necessarily accomplishment
Pareto Principle: 20% of activities are 80% of value
Gathering Activity
The Gathering Activity (game) is something to get the boys excited and to be on time
"Scouting is not just a game, scouting is a game with a purpose"
Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge of Allegiance: "One Nation Under God" - no comma after Nation. Although the pause emphasizes God, what is under God?
Mission of Scouting
- "The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their life times by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law
- We use the methods of Scouting, including Advancement, the Outdoors, and Adult Association to accomplish these goals"
Scout Master Properties
A Scout Master should be: Young at heart, Patient, Enthusiastic, Family Support, Reliable, Vehicle, Trained, Genuine, Prepared, Good Coach
Genuine - they know if you don't care
Be, Know, Do
Scouting Aims
- Development - character development
- Training - citizenship training
- Fitness - mental and physical training (development) / spiritual and emotional
Methods of Scouting
- Patrol Method (priority #11 - out of 11)
- Ideals (law/oath/moto/slogan)
- Advancement
- Personal Growth
- Outdoors
- Youth Leadership Development
- Adult Association
- Uniform
If You Build It
- If you build it, they will come
- If they build, they will come back and teach others
- Then, others will come
- And the cycle of Principled Leadership goes on
- Over and over and over again
-- KLM
Goals of this Training
- Scout Leader is manageable
- Abundant available resources
- Support "Promise of Scouting"
- Have a short action plan
- "When you want a thing done, don't do it yourself" - it is a good motto for Scoutmaster
- "Show me the poorly uniformed troop and I'll show you a poorly uniformed leader"
- "The more responsibility the Scoutmaster gives his patrol leaders, the more they will respond"
- "The Scoutmaster teaches boys to play the game by doing so himself"
- "An individual step in character training is to put responsibility on the individual"
- "We never fail when we try to do our duty, we always fail when we neglect to do it"
- "The spirit is there in every boy, it has to be discovered and brought to light"
- "The patrol system is not one method in which scouting for boys can be carried on. It is the only method."
- "The Patrol Leader's Council (PLC), not the adult leaders, is responsible for planning and conducting the troop's activities."
Patrol Method
Scoutmasters should:
- train the boys in leadership skills
- trust the boys
- let the boys lead
Tell the Fathers they are encouraged to come on campouts - end emails with this notice (and tell the mothers)
- but the boys are to hang out with the boys
Smallest and most effective unit in scouting
- senior patrol leader / assistant
- patrol leader / assistant
- quarter master, chaplain aid, scribe, historian, librarian
Have an adult patrol that does its own food, sleeping, packing arrangements
Leader Handbook
Suggestion: Get the Senior Patrol Leader Handbook for your Sr Patrol Leader
Patrol Leader Council (PLC) - held monthly
- patrol leaders, scribe, assistants
- round table (scoutmaster off to the side)
- do weekly when brand new
Meeting Plan
Time - don't put minutes, put time! (?huh - maybe this was to mean deadline clock time to end items?)
- preopening / opening games
- opening ceremony - flag / oath & law / uniform inspection
- group instruction / skill development (MB)
- Merit Badge counselors - Adult Association!
- Skill instruction - break out for detailed MB instructions
- Breakout Groups - Patrol Meetings
- plan menus and camps
- plan gear, locations, who is sleeping with who
- game - inner patrol activity
- closing - when scoutmaster gets his time
- scoutmaster minute
- remind of upcoming events
Fun and Real
Make it fun - but make it real!
Troop Program Resource
Troop Leaders Guidebook
- advancement / board of reviews / awards
- paperwork / registration
- travel - permits
- equipment - quartermaster
- finance / fund raisers / budgets
- merit badge counselors
- administration work
- promotes / facilitates training
- liaison with council / round table / executive cor
- parents make good committee members - personal interest, as it is their boys
- policy and regulations
committee: advancement, camping, registration, finances, summer camp, equipment
scouting organization
- troop
- troop committee
- chartered organization (church/civic)
- district (eg 1)
- local council (eg great salt lake)
- region (western)
- national council (bsa)
Annual Planning
aka Annual Planting
brain storming
calendar (let parents know)