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VMware VCP

VMware VCP (VMware Certified Professional) - http://vmware.com/go/vcp

“As the demand for IT professionals with datacenter virtualization skills increases, it is essential to distinguish yourself in the market with a certification that validates your technical capabilities. Becoming a VMware Certified Professional does just that.

This industry-recognized certification requires completion of a VMware-authorized training course and hands-on experience with VMware technologies. Achieving the VCP certification confirms that you have the education needed to successfully install, deploy, scale and manage VMware vSphere environments, as well as the skills obtained by a minimum of six months experience with VMware infrastructure technologies” [1]

Path to complete the three core validation components: 1. Attend a qualifying VMware authorized course. 2. Gain hands-on experience with VMware vSphere 5. 3. Pass the VCP5 Exam.


VMware Certification FAQ - http://mylearn.vmware.com/portals/certification/faqs.cfm

VCP Code and Title

VCP5-DCV (VCP510) - VMware Certified Professional 5 - Data Center Virtualization

VCP Portal

VCP Portal - http://mylearn.vmware.com/portals/vcp/mL.cfm?menu=public&ui=www_vcp

Required Coursework

VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V5.0]

Course datasheet: (PDF)


VMware vSphere: Fast Track [V5.0]


The cost for the class is about $2,700 and the exam is $200.

Course: VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V5.0] - $2796

Exam: VMware Certified Professional on vSphere 5 - $225.00


VCP: VMware Certified Professional VMware Certified Professional community http://communities.vmware.com/community/vmtn/certedu/certification/vcp


VMware Certification FAQ http://mylearn.vmware.com/portals/certification/faqs.cfm


Pearson VUE - http://pearsonvue.com

Computer-Based Testing Provider for Certification and Licensure Exams

VMware Testing with Pearson VUE - http://www.pearsonvue.com/vmware/

Exam code: VCP510 - VMware Certified Professional on vSphere 5

Program: 	VMware, Inc.
Exam: 		VCP510: VMware Certified Professional on vSphere 5
Price: 	$US 225.00

Vendor Responisibiltiy

VMware KB: Certifying hardware and software with VMware - http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1036525

Vendor's Responsibilities: The vendor has these responsibilities:

  • Enroll in the Technology Alliance Program (TAP). For more information, go to the Partner Enrollment site.
  • Technical training requirements:
    • Minimum of 2 VCPs per region in which you sell your products


VCP 5 | mwpreston.net - http://blog.mwpreston.net/vcp-5/

"While studying for my VCP 5 certification (which I now have :) ) I have compiled a ton of notes and thought what better way to help everyone else out with their studies then to share all my notes. Below I have done just that. Follow the links below to see my study notes on each objective or if you fancy yourself an offline version you can download it all in a PDF."

Studying for your VMware VCP 5 Certification – Part 1 - http://www.techhead.co.uk/studying-for-your-vmware-vcp-5-certification-part-1

"t’s that time again where I need to look at upgrading my VMware VCP certification, this time from VCP4 to VCP5. Admittedly I am a little late, as due to personal and work commitments I haven’t had any time spare to start studying for my VCP5 exam so am now in a rush to try and make it happen, though I’m guessing that I am not alone in my plight. "

VMware Training and Certification: Studying for the VCP5 exam - http://vmwaretraining.blogspot.com/2011/10/studying-for-vcp5-exam.html

"Even though the VCP5 exam is only 5 weeks old at the time of writing, there are some amazing resources already available to help with those preparing for the exam. I've always been an advocate of trying to prepare yourself using the official resources that VMware make available - the exam blueprint tells you what aspects of vSphere 5 you will get tested on, the exam format, number of questions, time limit, and the scoring system. The exam blueprint makes references to the official vSphere 5 documentation, which VMware validate the exam items against, and the mock exam gives a decent indication of the exam format. The VCP community forum is an excellent way of asking VCP5-related questions and getting furter information."

tekhead.org » VMware VCP5 Exam Prep Guide - http://www.tekhead.org/blog/2012/01/vcp5-exam-prep-guide/

"So its that time of year again, when we VCPs have to bone up on the latest developments in the VCP world and get our exam done in time before we have to go cap in hand to our line management asking for them to pay for a course we never needed in the first place. In order to avoid this embarrassment, VMware kindly give us the opportunity (as existing VCPs) to pass the VCP-510 exam by 29th Feb 2012, bypassing the course attendance requirement (fair enough!)."

tekhead.org » VMware VCP-510 Exam Review - http://www.tekhead.org/blog/2012/02/vmware-vcp-510-exam-review/

"So I took my exam today and passed with a reasonably respectable score of 428 (pass mark for VCP-510 is 300/500). So how was it? The exam itself was reasonable, and not massively dissimilar to the VCP 4 in terms of difficulty and question style. The content was all pulled pretty much directly from the exam blueprint, so if you are confident you know the blueprint, then you should be ok with the exam. I would also STRONGLY suggest you take the official mock VCP-510 exam once you feel you are prepared enough, as it will give you a really good feel for the exam and if you pass it comfortably, you will almost certainly do fine in the real one."

