VMworld 2014/General Session - Thursday

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Jane McGonigal

Massively multi player thumb wrestling

10 positive emotions received from gaming

"The opposite of play isn't work - it's depression"

Book: Reality is Broken

Human Augmented Intelligence

freestyle cheese

48 teams: no rules

headless (all computers) - centaurs (computer over watched)

winner: "Zack S" - computer (2 human, 3 computers) - augmented intelligence

Augmented intelligence

  • dimensionality: mathematics - visulization

Experts: intuition

Precuneus - pattern matching portion of the brain

Caudate Nucleus - learned respones functions (hot and cold switch)

Visual Cortex -> Precuneus -> Caudate Nucleus

Takes 10,000+ hours to rewire brain for this - practice practice practice

software to shortcut: Quid