Windows/Recovery Console

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How to uninstall driver from recovery environment on Windows 10

Windows Repair -> Command Prompt

Get drivers:

dism /image:C:\ /get-drivers

"Note the “Publisher Name” of the problematic driver. The “Original File Name” and “Provider Name” will help you indent the driver too. (Installed third-party drivers will usually carry the oem0.inf, oem1.inf, and so on. The number is the order of installation, which means that the last driver you installed will have the highest number.)"

Get driver info:

dism /image:e:\ /get-driverinfo /driver:oem1.inf

Remove driver:

dism /image:e:\ /remove-driver /driver:oem1.inf

Manually delete the .sys file too

Ref: How to uninstall driver from recovery environment on Windows 10 • Pureinfotech [1]