Discord/Ukulele: Difference between revisions

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No edit summary
Line 78: Line 78:
- `./gradlew clean build`
- `./gradlew clean build`
== jocull edit ==
Migration to JDA:v5.0.0-beta by jocull · Pull Request #69 · freyacodes/ukulele
# original configuration
git clone https://github.com/freyacodes/ukulele.git
cd ukulele
git checkout master
git pull
cp ukulele.example.yml ukulele.yml
# configure ukulele.yml
mkdir db && chown -R 999 db/
# edit docker-compose.yml and change:
# image: ghcr.io/freyacodes/ukulele:master
image: ghcr.io/jocull/ukulele:jda-5
# routinely update jda-5 docker image:
docker rm -f ukulele_ukulele_1
docker pull ghcr.io/jocull/ukulele:jda-5
docker-compose up -d
# follow the logs to make sure it is happy:
docker logs -f ukulele_ukulele_1
== keywords ==

Latest revision as of 14:27, 18 August 2024


git clone https://github.com/Frederikam/ukulele.git
# cd ukulele
sudo mv ukulele /opt/
cd /opt/ukulele
cp ukulele.example.yml ukulele.yml
# edit ukulele.yml and set token to Bot Token

See applicaitons:


Run inside screen:


Run (and build with):




 token: "[BOT TOKEN]"
 shards: 1
 prefix: ";"
 database: "./database" # Database filename
 game: ""

prefix is "::" by default.


;p [url]  # ;play
;v [%] # ;volume
;q  # ;queue ;l ;list
;np  # ;nowplaying
;s  # ;skip
;prefix [prefix]  # or 'reset'
;say [msg]


# Ukulele
...and his music was electric.

Ukulele is a bot made by the creator and collaborators of FredBoat. The concept is to replicate FredBoat while keeping it simple. The original stack is engineered for serving millions of servers, and is thus too complex to selfhost.

The bot is self-contained and only requires Java 11 to run.

This is currently work-in-progress.

## Features
- Basic player commands (::play, ::list, ::skip)
- Volume command
- Zero-maintenance embedded database

## Host it yourself
- Make a copy of `ukulele.example.yml` and rename it to `ukulele.yml`
- Input the bot token [(guide)](https://discordjs.guide/preparations/setting-up-a-bot-application.html)
- Run `./ukulele` to build and run the application (Windows users use the .bat files via commandline)

## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome! Look through the issues and/or create one if you have an idea.


## Make your own changes (More info soon)
- Change code
- `./gradlew clean build`

jocull edit

Migration to JDA:v5.0.0-beta by jocull · Pull Request #69 · freyacodes/ukulele
# original configuration
git clone https://github.com/freyacodes/ukulele.git
cd ukulele
git checkout master
git pull
cp ukulele.example.yml ukulele.yml
# configure ukulele.yml
mkdir db && chown -R 999 db/

# edit docker-compose.yml and change:
# image: ghcr.io/freyacodes/ukulele:master
image: ghcr.io/jocull/ukulele:jda-5

# routinely update jda-5 docker image:
docker rm -f ukulele_ukulele_1
docker pull ghcr.io/jocull/ukulele:jda-5
docker-compose up -d

# follow the logs to make sure it is happy:
docker logs -f ukulele_ukulele_1
